Anyone ever made a 1272 clone?


New member
I'm thinking about making a neve 1272 clone and i've got the scematics and all the info except the pcb layout. I'm told that a layout can be made by inputting the schematic into a pcb layout program but I have no idea how to use them.

If anyone has done nay of this or has the layout for a pcb to be ordered that be amazing.

You can get a kit here….

And no, there are no programs that magically create a layout for you. There are plenty of claims in the CAD EDA industry but nothing is that easy. Especially with analog circuits like a Neve preamp. I’d be happy to provide any quotes for a board layout but my rates are not cheap. I’d really consider doing a kit.
Ptownkid said:
I'm thinking about making a neve 1272 clone and i've got the scematics and all the info except the pcb layout. I'm told that a layout can be made by inputting the schematic into a pcb layout program but I have no idea how to use them.

If anyone has done nay of this or has the layout for a pcb to be ordered that be amazing.


You ever built anything like that before? Circuit wise?

Might wanna make a distortion pedal or some other cheap item first.

Here is a link to a very simple Fuzz pedal to make. Its simple, but not overly simple that the point of making it is lost.

I just built it. Its a very nice sounding Fuzz that you can always use for adding different flavors to recordings. Just nice to have around, ya know.

Depending on the enclosure and the quality of footswitch, you could build it for about $20. Not a bad investment considering, (I haven't seen the Neve part list) if you fry the Neve after buying all the parts, then you will probably be out a lot more money than $20.
Yeah, I e-mailed Tim from seventh circle and he only sells the N72 as a complete kit for 300 a channel. I'd really like to try and get the board and what-not layed out myself to save a little bit of dough. The really kicker is the duty coming across the border, reason number two why i want to get the boards made myself.
If you want, I have a bunch of B283 boards that need rebuilding... $25 + postage and as many as you'd like are yours. The bitch of the thing isn't going to be the boards, it's going to be the input and output transformers [which are vital to "the sound"]... you can play with other transformers and come up with some other cool sounds [like Dan Kennedy when the MP-2NV was first built]

Email me at if you're interested in the B283's... it would cost you more than $25- in materials alone to etch your own board [and way more than $25- in terms of your time to handwire the thing].
Fletcher... when you say they need rebuilding, do you mean that the components are still on the boards, or are they strippped out.


They're full boards [some of them... some are only half populated as they were used in 1271 type circuits] that need to be recapped, some of them need new output transistors... there are various issues [none of them labeled] but it should still be easier than starting from scratch.