anyone ever lose MIDI sound without losing the MIDI info?


senior newbie caveman
This has happened to me randomly a few times. I'll be in the middle of working in ableton, and while i'm playing tracks, MIDI notes disappear. Just the sound, Visually I can still see where the notes should be playing, they just aren't. I've tried duplicting the track, and this will bring the missing note(s) back, sometimes to go missing again.Another fix I did was to export the MIDI clip,delete the track and instrument, create a new MIDI track,reassign the instrument and then copy/paste the MIDI info, this seems to work better than duplicating. Any advice? do I need an old priest and a young priest?
Oooh, I think I know. I used to have this problem all the time when I used Sonar.
I think it may be your (buffer size?). If you go into your audio set up and look at your audio drivers (Core Audio or ASIO, I'm assuming), then your buffer size may be too high. I'm not 100% positive about why this would make it so that you would LOSE information, because it seems like it would load more of it before playing back those notes, but when I set my buffer size to fewer samples (about 512, which I believe is average), then none of my MIDI notes got lost during playback.

The above answer simplified; Try lowering your audio driver's buffer size.
Another possibility is that there are embedded midi control commands in the track, for example program changes or velocity changes. I don't know how Ableton works, but you should be able to find a midi list editor there somewhere, and that will reveal program and control midi stuff, which you can delete.