anyone ever hear the celestion 70/80's?


New member
hey, i was wondering how they were. i've been considering them from like a great deal ($300), but maybe it's just because it's celestion. they're also in randall 4x12 CXM cabs. i've heard mixed reviews on them regarding the low end response, so do you think its worth it? or should i just go for the cab with the vintage 30's? anyone who knows avatar speaker cabs please reply as it would help a bunch. thanks
I love mine. I have a set in my Traynor CV80 and they can crank!
With vintage 30's you might get breakup early on. I would say use V30's if you don't use overdrives.

Where the 70/80's shine is they can handle all your amp can throw at them, and then still handle your favorite boost or distortion pedal.

Get your Celestion speakers quick before only the chinese models are available. Celestion's moving production to china unfortunatly. I guess the USA isn't the only place shipping away jobs from thier people....

back to the topic....the 70/80's are great for loud tube amps, anywhere else you might not like them.
so theyre good for rock styles? how are their low end (but i'm guessing urs is open back...) but i will be using this cab, if i decide on it, with a carvin mts3200 head (100watts tube).
Yeah the 70/80's are great for rock but if you want really heavy bass go with the G12H30 's in a closed back.

Thanks for the you got me wanting an ext cab:)