Anyone else using Event monitors?

Mind Riot

New member
Hi everybody. I haven't been in this forum much yet and I was wondering if anyone other than me uses Event monitors. Myself, I got mine on clearance from the local GC. They're the passive Event 20/20's and they were on clearance because the 20/20v2 had just come out. They were usually $300 for the pair, I got them for $140 for the pair, pretty sweet deal.

I'm powering them with a Carvin DCM150 power amp, and I record with a Tascam 788.

I personally really like these, but I know everyone has their preferences in monitors. At least according to the spec sheet, these have a flat response within +-3db from 38 hz to 20 khz. I don't have the equipment to test that, but they seem to work great and my mixes translate very well.

I got them about a year ago. If I were to be getting monitors today, I would most likely get some of those nice Wharfedales everyone's talking about. But I already have these and they work quite nicely.

So anyone else use and/or like Event monitors? Doesn't have to be the 20/20's like mine, any of the Event models. Just curious!
I'm on the fence with Event... IMO, you're WAY better off with those passives than with the 20/20bas actives... I couldn't get those things to translate if I was in the middle of the U.N. Press Pool. The passives weren't nearly as "unusual" sounding. Much more natural.
For the longest time I thought my 20/20's were not so good. That is until I tuned my room a bit and upgraded amps.

My mixes always suffered from boomy lowend when played on other systems. On a hunch, I tried some corner bass absorbers and other acoustic foam to minimise secondary reflections. That really helped the bass and imaging.

When I upgraded amps just recently (from a Hafler TA1600 to a P1500) A LOT of detail was revealed. Since these two upgrades, my mixes are getting better and better. I think they're a fine speaker in the right situation. Oh, and my fav, you can see them in use on the cover of the first Blueman Group CD.

Just my observations
i have 20/20v2 passives, I love them. Its almost like they translate perfectly onto everything. I like them much better than the KRK's we have at church, for some reason i get way too little bass out of those things, I guess its because i havent worked with them enough to really "know" them.
Massive Master said:
IMO, you're WAY better off with those passives than with the 20/20bas actives... Much more natural.

Well, that's good to know. I'm also acutely aware of the need for good room treatment, which is the project I'm working on now. Thus far I've got my bass trapping handled and pretty much set up my RFZ, but I still need to treat my back wall and some of the side walls.

Not to be disrepectful to anyone on here, but sometimes I find it a bit funny that someone will post a review of their monitors talking about how great they sound and then they mention that they were listening in their completely untreated bedroom or in the room at Guitar Center. How much of a real impression does one expect to get out of monitors in those situations? Before I started treating my music room I couldn't even play through my monitors at all, it sounded so horrible. It's taking shape now, and they sound decent, but I'm not done with the room yet.
qbert1 said:
For the longest time I thought my 20/20's were not so good. That is until I tuned my room a bit and upgraded amps.

My mixes always suffered from boomy lowend when played on other systems. On a hunch, I tried some corner bass absorbers and other acoustic foam to minimise secondary reflections. That really helped the bass and imaging.

When I upgraded amps just recently (from a Hafler TA1600 to a P1500) A LOT of detail was revealed. Since these two upgrades, my mixes are getting better and better. I think they're a fine speaker in the right situation. Oh, and my fav, you can see them in use on the cover of the first Blueman Group CD.

Just my observations

See, that's what I'm talking about. You can't really expect an accurate representation of a monitors' sound in a horrible sounding untreated room with boomy low end buildup and flutter echoes flying past your ears. Room treatment is SO important.

The bass trapping was very important for my room, and it helped the most. But once I got some first reflection panels up at the right points the stereo imaging really focused. It's almost like headphone clarity, it's actually kind of eerie at first.

So Hafler makes good monitor amps, huh? The Carvin hasn't let me down, but I wonder if I should look at getting an upgrade.
See this is cool. I read most of that LOOOOOOOONG thread about the Wharfedales, people comparing them to almost every monitor I've ever heard of with almost no mention at all of Event's. I was wondering if I got ripped off or there was some taboo about Event's I didn't know about, like the whole Behringer thing. It's good to know I'm not the only one using them and liking them. But hey, even if no one else likes them at all, my mixes still translate really well and that can't be denied. :cool:
I use Event TR-6's. I love them of course they are my first pair of "real" monitors so i really don't have much to compare them too.
My happiest day was when I sold my Event TR5s. My Pioneer bookshelf speakers translated better so I stopped using the Events. Now I'm the proud owner if a pair of 8.2A and RP8s.
deepwater said:
My happiest day was when I sold my Event TR5s. My Pioneer bookshelf speakers translated better so I stopped using the Events. Now I'm the proud owner if a pair of 8.2A and RP8s.

Ever try the 20/20's? They translate very well for me.
I use the Studio Precision 8's

560 watts of ass whoopin. They are pretty nice. Mixes seem to translate pretty well. Nice low end (lots of it). I'm not sold on the mids yet. Could just be me though. Sure as hell beats the monitor I's I was using.
deepwater said:
My happiest day was when I sold my Event TR5s. My Pioneer bookshelf speakers translated better so I stopped using the Events. Now I'm the proud owner if a pair of 8.2A and RP8s.

It sounds to me like you just "know" your Pioneer speakers better than the Events. There's a learning-curve and adjustment period to "learn" any new set of monitors, not to mention room acoustics and other factors. I mixed with Event 20/20bas for a couple years and my mixes got better and better (and done quicker) after the first couple of months. Why? Because it took awhile to learn the monitors and the room, and the way they translate to each mix. I'm not going to mix a Rap song the same way I'd mix a Metal tune or a Country song. The biggest hurdle was learning the bass response and upper mids on my mixes and how they translate to different genres. Once I conquered that, the 20/20's were a piece of cake to work with.
Buck62 said:
It sounds to me like you just "know" your Pioneer speakers better than the Events. There's a learning-curve and adjustment period to "learn" any new set of monitors, not to mention room acoustics and other factors. I mixed with Event 20/20bas for a couple years and my mixes got better and better (and done quicker) after the first couple of months. Why? Because it took awhile to learn the monitors and the room, and the way they translate to each mix. I'm not going to mix a Rap song the same way I'd mix a Metal tune or a Country song. The biggest hurdle was learning the bass response and upper mids on my mixes and how they translate to different genres. Once I conquered that, the 20/20's were a piece of cake to work with.

Well I learned them. I knew the vocals had to be louder when played on the Events then I would normally want to hear them. I felt that I should be able to mix to sound good on my monitors which would sound good everywhere else. With the 8.2A and RP8s I get that. What I hear is whats going on tape. Could have been my room I don't know, but I'm happy now.
HangDawg said:
I use the Studio Precision 8's

I'm not sold on the mids yet. Could just be me though..

No I think I'm in the same boat. I think the mids take a little getting used to. Happy with everything else about them though.
i know the 8.2 active wharfedales have been hyped big time on here and the huge thread just made me even more confused - any one use the new event 20/20 bas v2 actives - all reviews etc.. seem to say they to have a flat response and mix's translated very well when played in the car /hi fi etc....i've seen these for £550 and if they really do give u the accurate sound then they seem well worth it - just wondering if anyone has a pair?

the wharfedale's just seem too good to be true for that price - because the majority of people i speak are saying that you need to spending towards £500-600 upwards to get a pair of monitors with a true flat frequency response - and for the sake of the extra money over something like the tannoy reveal actives it seems worth getting a monitor that actually doe what it's supposed to do (i.e - let you hear exactly what has been recorded) - just wondering what people's opinions are because i'm thinking if i buy some monitors of a higher quality i'm probably never going to need to upgrade them again - whereas eventually something like the tannoy reveals etc... will get on my nerves becuase the mix's will rarely come out exactly as i wanted them to ...
Anyone tried the passive TR65?

I know that FM has done a review of Monitors an the TR65a are in the reviews, but I was wondering if anyone has tried, tested, or had the 65 passive. Are they better/worse than the active?