Anyone bought from

Ive bought through them, stuff is pretty good. I recently got a 160 sq/ft of Purple wedge from them, it comes vaccum packed to save shipping space. Color is consistent and edges are straight.

Thanks Stan,

I checked out the website and they are defintelty cheaper than Auralex.

Does anybody know how this stuff rates against Auralex?

I will be purchasing my foam in the next few months and this is very helpful.

and the winner is...

Auralex is a good product, foambymail is inexpensive, but Microcosm treatment is both! I looked around at every acoustic treatment under the sun. In the final analyses Microcosm had the best product for home studios. What's better, it's affordable because they sell direct to consumers. You can check out their product at
The Microcosm looks nice, but I didn't see NRC values and I am needing small wall tiles right now. I think I will try the foambymail stuff for should work for the areas I need some spot treatment....If I do get some wall tiles I will post a followup with my opinion. Thanks for the responses.

Stan, for foam the absorption value is more important than NRC, which won't be much for any foam product - Also, did you find ANY specs on the foambymail site? I looked there a couple weeks ago, and found squat. I'd also ask them about fire retardant before ordering - that may be where the price difference is... Steve
Well, NRC is a measure of the absorption value averaged at four frequencies. NRC (NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT): The measure of the acoustical absorption performance of a material, calculated by averaging its sound absorption coefficients at 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz, expressed to the nearest multiple of 0.05. The foam is class B flame retardant. The site does post this for the different styles of foam, it's just not under every product....but it's there. I ordered the 2" wedge tiles....I'll let you all know what I think of them when they arrive. Thanks.

I saw NRC ratings at foambymail, but I didn't care to ask about fire ratings. I don't think it matters in my case anyhow because its an in home installation and my couch is more of a problem, also the chemicals I store in the other 1/2 of the garage are pretty flammable. Oh, nad I never thought about all the mahogony wood work is probably flammable. Well If I die, its going to be by fire. I bought the 1" wedge stuff to intermix with my already existing 4 egg carton Auralex from the 90's. I didn't want to much high end removal. It sounds pretty balanced right now, but when the quartets start coming in Ill really know.
