Anybody wanna hear my new V-Amp?


New member
I just brought this thing home today so don't expect too much. A couple of these samples are just factory presets, and I must say that this is the first thing I've brought home from the music store in a long time that had any presets worth a darn. I should have done some tweaking with them before I recorded anything probably though coz there's a bit too much bass and so on with a few of them but I was in a hurry to post something since we've been discussing this gadget for a while now. The last 2 samples here are a couple of my own presets I made off the cuff in the last couple of minutes. Remember that phrase "off the cuff" because that's par for the course with what you'll hear on this stuff. There's some noise throughout most of these cuts (all around 30-seconds) and mostly that's either my speakers interacting with the guitar pickups from sitting right in front of them while recording live through them, and then some of the rest is because I haven't looked at setting the noise gate with this thing yet. If I use the factory presets through the headphones there's no noise at all though so bare that in mind. This thing ain't noisy—I am. Oh, and I got the levels a bit too hot with some of them too...oh well.

I think this things great at any price and I hope to post something a bit more worthwhile before long coz I think it deserves something better than what I'm giving you here to get your feet wet. What are it's advantages compared to other products like the J-Station and Pod? Well, for one thing almost all of the parameters can be edited on the front panel without getting into a bunch of midi crap in your computer. There are a few that have to be done that way but I think I'll seldom have to do that. I paid $130 for it making it very inexpensive and there's a lot of bang for buck. This unit is a huge improvement over last year's model not only in terms of sound but in features. There are twice as many amp sounds now and a bunch of different output routing options. You can bypass the amp modeling and use it as an effects unit with your guitar amp too. I haven't sat and counted all the effects but there's plenty and they're all very usable. In fact, I could see somebody buying one of these to use in conjunction with their POD just to use the effects alone plus getting a few different sounds. It's cheap enough to do something like that and then some.

1. Blues-Rock

2. Fender Bassman Blues

3. Fingerpicked with a Little Distortion

4. Extreme Chorusing/w Compression Clean

5. Auto-Wah Distorted

6. Santana

7. Fusion
Definitely good sounds. $130? From where? I want one. I have a POD2 and a J-station and I don't really have to use any midi for anything. On the POD 2 they've changed it so you can get to almost everything from the panel. But I particularly liked the blues sound you got. The auto wah was pretty cool too and, of course, as you said this is still factory presets so after you tweak it for a while it's only gonna get better. I really didn't find the noise to be very distracting but maybe it didn't come across the Mp3 as much as you heard it there. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. :cool:
Got mine at Mars. Somebody else had mentioned that to get good sounds with a POD or J-Station you'd have to get into this "deep" editing stuff through midi. I don't know beans about it though so I took their word for it. Anyhow, these amp modelers/sims are getting so cheap I can almost see somebody having a whole bank of them in their studio. I'm gonna take a look at that new Line 6 Guitar Port too when it comes out. ($150)
Yeah, the V-Amp has a download site too but I haven't had time to look into the deep editing thing yet. I think Bob's right though about the blues sounds on this thing. That definately seems to be its strong point. It'd be nice to have a POD for it's glassy, clean sound and it's smooth, pretty distortion and then a V-Amp for it's blues sounds and effects. And then maybe a J-Station for the metal boys. They all have their selling points. I hate to see people argue over these units because they all have good uses for this and that.
Darrin's right. The main use for the midi is to get sounds that other people have spent the time tweaking. You could save them and then have 100's of sounds at your immediate disposal. I also agree with Windowman that people shouldn't argue the relative merits of these units. Like amps, they are all different so my solution is I WANT THEM ALL!!!!!! :D:D:D Gimme Gimme Gimme!
Is that the V-Amp? I liked the funk tone and the lead tone. I though your blues sound was better.
Yeah, I got em off 2 different V-Amp websites. I like that Soft Blues sound quite a bit. I kinda like that Sweet Child thing too. It's just too bad such a rotten guitarist/band ruined a perfectly good sound for everybody. Be honest, that's what you were thinking too. :D