Anybody care to record vocals over a Tesla cover

Tangled Cords

New member
I have a decent instrumental version of "What You Give" by tesla, anybody care to record vocals if I post the mp3? Just for fun.
Post it, someone will toast it ... I always love to jam with violin, viola and cello over things with no vocal. If I find an opportunity, I might do it.
I loved Tesla!

I wish I had one of those Van-de-Graff generator deals too!!:D

Ok, Let's hear the MP3 and we might all take a stab at it.

Cheers! :)
I'm still just a noob here but if you post the song I'll bet someone would love to do it........and alot of people here are very good :)
If you find yourself pressed for time, just record one of the choruses, and do a really good job on it.

Upload it a 192kbps, and give us a few seconds or measures leader into it, and after it.

Upload the rest of the parts of the song over next week, we can piece it together on our machines and that's a lot of fun.
Tell you all what, I recorded this with cakewalk about a year ago. I just listened to the mp3 mixdown, and it has a really boomy guitar on it. I still have the cakewalk file so I'm gonna remix it. Gotta go to bed, but let me work on it tommorow, and I'll get it up.
Ok, here it is

This mp3 came out a little weird, sound like wind blowing into a mike, during the quiet acoustic parts. I hacked the solo, I think the electric rythm guitar may have been slightly out of tune as well. I'm without a guitar amp at the time being, so I can't really fix anything. I had to turn the bass way down because I basically couldn't get it to stop turning the meters red and distorting after mp3 mixdown. I'm a rookie at mixing so have fun, any advice would be helpful as well.

If anybody actually throws this in a program and sings over it, be sure and post, I'll be anxious to hear. Studioviols, some strings would be cool to:)
Wow....thats really good...........mix sound good to me except for the snare. But maybe if there where some vocals its would help the snare......very nice recording
Generally played with an obvious understanding of the music and the artist and their style, and with deep respect for the fans of this band.

Bravo, you done good !.

I wouldn't wanna mess this up with strings.

I'd like to take a shot at singing it just for kicks please, but I have no reference materials. Can you post the lyrics, and PM me please ... wink, wink, nudge, nudge :D