Any tips On production would be greatly Apreciated

I like the song and its content....just seems a bit thin on the mix. Good work guys!
It may be the mp3 thing sucking the life out of your mixes. you guys ever critique anyone elses songs...just wondering.
jpw23 said:
It may be the mp3 thing sucking the life out of your mixes. you guys ever critique anyone elses songs...just wondering.
No, they don't which is why I didn't even give them a listen this time around...I have before...but they only drop by once every six months to ask for "advice" and contribute absolutely NOTHING....So I do not give them the time of day....Like most of the other regulars...this is supposed to be a community....Give and take...No give????? Fuck you,
RAMI said:
No, they don't which is why I didn't even give them a listen this time around...I have before...but they only drop by once every six months to ask for "advice" and contribute absolutely NOTHING....So I do not give them the time of day....Like most of the other regulars...this is supposed to be a community....Give and take...No give????? Fuck you,

Eh first things first the bands not been going 6 months and secondly we only joined this community a couple of months ago. and thirdly I gave critique on 12 peoples song the other day friend and another 15 today so thank you for your constructive criticisms
we,ll take them on board NOT....Ignorance is bliss TBH.
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TartanRascals said:
Eh first things first the bands not been going 6 months and secondly we only joined this community a couple of months ago. and thirdly I gave critique on 12 peoples song the other day friend and another 15 today so thank you for your constructive criticisms
we,ll take them on board NOT....Ignorance is bliss TBH.
Eh...Not to dwell on this, and I was going to diffuse the situation by listening to your song and commenting on it.....

But if you're going to make a claim, make sure that nobody can prove it false. Besides the comments you made on people's songs TODAY, which are all on page one right now, because you JUST MADE THEM after reading my post....You have not made any comments on anyone else's songs "The other day"...or at any other time.

RE: View all posts by "The Tartan rascals".

Nice try.

You're right, ignorance IS bliss....You must be exstatic.....friend. :eek:
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Opps sorry to have gotten it so wrong as we are part of a wider community than this website and have to answer lots of posts and post lots of threads and reply to lots of people..sorry we missed this website out...weve started now so no harm done..But I felt your comments were a little too heavy handed and to come from an fellow artist who should be like any other artist (I.E. A mellow fellow) who swears at people on a forum ..hmm well I,ll leave you to deal with your own malfunctions....It doesnt bother me whether you dont listen or coment on our music just because I came to your page and commented on yours....we all choose our own have obviously chosen yours..good luck
Yes, you have chosen your path. Too bad you tried bullshitting your way out of it. I choose to be more honest about things. Sux getting caught, huh?

See ya.
Easy fellas........did'nt mean to stir up a shit storm here....just asking a question. It was in no way intended to start a fight, I just had not seen a lot of feedback. Thought it would be nice to spread some around.
jpw23 said:
Easy fellas........did'nt mean to stir up a shit storm here....just asking a question. It was in no way intended to start a fight, I just had not seen a lot of feedback. Thought it would be nice to spread some around.
I agree...That was my point. Ok so I said "Fuck you" at the end of my post...Whoop-ti-doo...Call the cops!!!
It wasn't even directed at him/her/them as much as it was a general statement, as in "You don't give back, then fuck you". I guess I didn't have to put it that way, for that I apologise....But the point is, I was right, and then someone tried coming back with their smart-ass response and got caught bullshitting...Plain and simple.

Ok....NOW I'm out of here. :D
RAMI said:
Yes, you have chosen your path. Too bad you tried bullshitting your way out of it. I choose to be more honest about things. Sux getting caught, huh?

See ya.

Who is this guy who comes to our thread and starts to flame another member ...hmmm go get a life m8....JPW np m8 theres no fight here....just a confliction of of egos.....rami fighting his own ego is my guess.

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Never have liked politicians tbh
jpw23 said:
Easy fellas........did'nt mean to stir up a shit storm here....just asking a question. It was in no way intended to start a fight, I just had not seen a lot of feedback. Thought it would be nice to spread some around.

Thanks m8 and we have started to reply to other peoples music so no harm done....
Listening at the minute. Its cool. Sort of has a Coldplay/editors feel to it in the production, especially in the guitar style, i would guess they are an influence. Theres alot going on in it certainly. i would try and carve out more space in there as it sounds quite cramped. Also the drums are kind of dull because the pattern dosent really do too much. Definetly a Coldplayesque middle 8. Are you using Guitar rig for the guitars?
yes m8 guitar rig awesome plugin eh....yes as I said in an earlier post that the drums are not to important the now as they well be redone with real drums
TartanRascals said:
yes m8 guitar rig awesome plugin eh....yes as I said in an earlier post that the drums are not to important the now as they well be redone with real drums

I can spot Guitar Rig a mile away. I have actually recorded a part before with one of the patches that you use. The one thats kind of Backwards swell. I love Guitar rig but it does take some expirementing (like any effect) to get something that is unique and you are happy with. Its a Good Tune for Sure.
He is a valued CONTRIBUTOR to this forum, and he is merely voicing something a lot of us feel here.

TartanRascals said:
Who is this guy who comes to our thread and starts to flame another member ...hmmm go get a life m8....JPW np m8 theres no fight here....just a confliction of of egos.....rami fighting his own ego is my guess.

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Never have liked politicians tbh