Any tips for using Acid loops, Pod in a mix?


New member
I have a few song ideas that I'm working on, and I am wondering if Acid drum loops, and Pod for guitar would need any EQ or compression? Seeing that the sounds are already recorded, or are presets; would I just add the parts to my mix without any EQ or tweaking? I will also be adding some orchestration samples; would they need any EQ tweaking as well?

yes, you will need to tweak. your mix will tell you what it needs, assuming you listen.
pod presets suck. rather than tweak after the fact, fing the tone you are looking for first with the pod, then tweak after if you need it.

if you want to check out stuff i have done with acid loops and a pod -
Great sounding tune! I listened to Robin's song, very professional sound. Vocals were great as well. What parts were done with Acid? Percussion, bass?

I plan on using Acid for my drums, and maybe some orchestra background parts, I have Drum Sugar which I am pretty satisfied with.

What's your recording setup?
I only use acid for percussion and drums. check out stereolight for a much more elaborate usage. I actually only used the pod for the leslie on the pre chorus. on stereolight, I used the pod for the trem guitar.

I use the acid loops in DP3.

muto 1224 interface, mac g4