Any reason to use Firebox input over usb?


New member
Hi all. I recently purchased a keyboard with MIDI. The keyboard has no MIDI connectors, but rather a USB connector. I have a MIDIMAN, but I think its strictly MIDI-->USB, and not the other way around (could be wrong). So anyway, is there any reason to connect the keyboard straight into the USB, instead of routing it through my Firebox (which has a breakout cable with MIDI connectors). If I SHOULD connect through the firebox, how should I do this?
MIDI is a slow protocol. (it doesn't take much horsepower to shove the data around... it was designed on 4Mhz computers over RS-232 ports!)

Your computer does not care where it comes into or out of your computer, as long as it can find the ports to send data to/from.

I have midi devices connected by both USB and on my audio interface and it makes NO difference. You just have to point your software in the right direction.
Thanks. I was mainly confused because I've heard of timing and "clock" phrases with MIDI and have not real understanding of that. This keeps my setup much easier!