Any programs do both audio and video?


New member
I want to make youtube videos of myself recording songs. Sometimes they are called video songs. But having almost no experience with either video editing or music recording and having to figure out how to do both at the same time is a bit overwhelming. Are there any programs that cater to what I'm looking to do? Also, I'm not sure if my laptop is up to the challenge. How can I tell if my computer is healthy enough to handle all this?
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Sony Vegas might be worth a look.

As I understand it, it's primarily known as a video editing suite, but I used it for several years as my main music mixing suite.
What do you have for equipment now?
The standard way to do it is to set up a video camera to record visual while you do the audio recording with a good DAW, mics, audio interface, etc. Then you synch/edit the finished audio track and the video in the video software.
I would highly suggest you do like the pros.... do the audio in your favorite audio sequencer and then do the video separately and match them up.

For the video:

On Windows - Sony Vegas Studio. Less than $50 and more than capable. Let you use all your audio vst's too...
On Mac - iMovie. Free with every Mac.

(I have an iMac but I use the OSX version of Reaper for audio and run Win7 via Parallels so I use Sony Vegas Studio for the video, just because I've used it for video production for many years...)
For equipment I don't have much yet. Just my guitars, a couple mics and my laptop.

My uncle suggested I get a stand-alone DAW like this one:

Used TASCAM DIGIPORT 2488 MKII | Recording Equipment | Music Go Round Natick

Also I was wondering what you guys thought of recording with phone apps? I was playing around with the Garageband App and it seems pretty limited, like I couldn't figure out how to change the volume of the tracks... But that was just the free versions. Of coarse neither of those options would help with the video part.
It depends a bit on how elaborate you want the audio to be. Every video editor obviously has audio capability but varies in terms of how much you can do.

I agree that Sony Vegas might be exactly what you want--it's more integrated than many.

It's also relatively simple (though note the relatively). Many Video editors have a pretty steep learning curve--I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro and, despite being involved with editing for many years, still put out the straggling remains of my hair from time to time.
Yeah...I did a stint in TV production and multimedia...and I've used Avid video editors and a few others, and currently I use Vegas just for creating some basic 30 second spots for a theater's promos.

For video, Vegas is pretty "default" ready, but you still have to get familiar with the functions/options up to a point.
If you just want to do point-n-shoot type of You Tube vids, then you don't need to get into all the FX/transitions and some other advanced options....just do basic cut/fade stuff and leave most of the settings at.....default. :)

Compared to most DAWs....Vegas isn't going to be the best audio editor, but again, keep it basic and you won't have a lot of learning to do to create You Tube videos.
Camtasia Studio might be great for you cause it also records audio from your DAW and also from your camera audio/video.