Any Online Equipment Dealers in Canada?


New member
Are there any? It's not so much a matter of cost as just hassle. When buying from the U.S., there are customs clearance fees. They usually aren't significant (unless you use UPS - never do that), but you have to pay them before you get your stuff. Which means I have to be around, and might miss when the delivery guy gets here, then I usually have to go across town to the depot, wait in line, hope the truck got back to the depot before I did, etc., etc.

Anyway, are there any online dealers in Canada? I can always have L&M order something in, but sometimes its nice just to point-and-click and have it arrive at my door a few days later.
Hmm. That's kind of what I figured. Not much slection and prices that are *way* out of line with the U.S. online retailers. I guess I'll just stick with L&M. If you ask them, they'll almost always bring their prices into line with the U.S. competition. I was hoping there was a more convienient way. It seems there isn't.
There's also Tom Lee Music, if you're not familiar with them yet:

As far as prices go, they're similar to Long & McQuade. Sometimes they carry something a bit different, but L&M has wider distribution and might be able to get a better price on a lot of stuff.

There is also

Kellys music in Winterpeg.
I got my sound cards there and they sell preamps and recording software.
