Any of you Guys and Gals have patches for the ZOOM 503??

Nitronium Blood

Metal Is King.
Hey guys and gals,

Not sure how many of you own (and/or like) Zoom products, but I decided to go with the Zoom 503 for an amp simulation box, as its the cheapest of all the popular Amp Sim boxes and about 70% of the people on Harmony seem to think its alright.

Ive got a 15 watt Mrashall MG15RCD amp and a local made guitar with dual coil pickups.

I've been playing (horribly) for about 2 years now and mainly into rock and metal (Def Leppard, In Flames, Megadeth, Metallica, Creed, Arch Enemy, etc).

So any of yous gots any good personal Zoom 503 patch settings? anythin' rockish or metallish? Perhaps even a really thick clean tone from the 503?

Hey, I know it ain't the POD or FLEXtone or anything, but please let me know.

Thank you in advance.

well, this is about the easiest patch setting ive heard of for the zoom 503, its called "Total Crap". Its real easy to program, actually you don't even have to program anything if you dont want to. All you do is plug your guitar into the zoom 503 and then plug the zoom 503 into your amp, mixer, soundcard or whatever and there you go, Total Crap.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I have a Zoom 505, and the lil bugger is a noisey piece of gear!
It's amp mods don't really emulate true amp models (SEE POD).
I only use it to get stoopid crazy efx for keys!

come on guys, the Zoom pedals were my first multi-effects pedal too. I thought it was cool when I first got it.

You learn as you go, and get better stuff.

That being said. It DOES suck. :)
just to make you feel better... i have the zoom 510 it sounds kinda buzzy when going direct, but for just playing around or for micing your amp i think its a good way to go, if your on a budget,
- Andrew
For most stuff I dont like the zoom 50 series processors, but the other day I was recording a friend's guitar and he had this one patch that was GREAT.
He was playing a Strat straight into the new Zoom 505 (?, the Guitar processor one) from the Zoom straight into a Mackie board (no Eq applied) then into the PC. He was playing clean arpeggios with a pick and the tone was perfect for the song, it was a slightly compressed clean tone with a slight touch of chorus and eq, really nice, smooth sound. The patch was one that he wrote himself though.
None of the distorted patches that I heard sounded good, however that one clean tone made me decide that I have to check one out and maybe get it to use strictly for clean stuff.
Ok, Ok I get it...

Ok, I now gather that professionals and experts of the recording industry are supposed to hate zoom products.

Now, I'm not too fond of Zoom either guys! Its not like I'm a member of the Zoom Klux Klan or anything :D
My friend has the Zoom 505 and when I first heard it I thought it was cool, but then later on both me and my firend realised it wuz crap!

Now, I have got many user opinions saying that the Zoom 503 ain't like the other 500 series and the 503 is actually 'decent':

Now I'm a stoopid asswipe as many of ya all know. But I'm a stoopid asswipe who is POOR. So what can I afford that just 'might' be 'sorta decent'? THE ZOOM 503 :P

So let me kinda rephrase the topic fo you guys here-

Any of you respected masters of audio know where a stoopid poor asswipe like me can go and get/find Zoom 503 patches??
An ex friend's/girlfirend's/wife's home page maby? Perhaps by some weird chance you know fo an FTP server that holds 503 patches??
Me stoopid, me search all search engine, me like stooppid monkey even search on napster like sum dumm edjit me only find patch info for 505, me is so wants 503.

Thank you :D
Well, since you put a smiley at the end of your last post and you've learned not to take things SO seriously, Let me hip you up to this.
I sometimes use a Zoom 505 as a DI into my board on the guitar for R&B wah use, however, there is a noticeable amount of feed-back and distortion that bleeds onto other channels and a discernible humm at peak levels. I now only use the Zoom for "Harmonic Choral" efx on my keyboard(Patch E-3). When I incorporate the trumpet or brass sample on my keyboard connected to patch E-3 of the Zoom, I get a whole, entire horn
section that sounds ALMOST realistic.Other than that patch and the D-2/3 patch (Fuzz-Wah & Wah Distortion) for git, those are the only useable patches for my needs out of the 24 that's serviceable. Other than that the Zoom, like I said b-4 is 1 noisey
lil bugger! I'm sorry, but I know of no IP's where you can get additional patches.
Me stoopid asswipe

Me stoopid, me search all search engine, me like stooppid monkey even search on napster like sum dumm edjit me only find patch info for 505, me is so wants 503 patches.
