Any Mackie Control Users Here??


New member
I just the Mackie Control, and it works very well with my Sonar 2.2, but I have one problem...

It came with no documentation other than the quick start guide that is like 4 pages of just general hookup information.

There are things I want to know like:

How to get the jog/shuttle wheel to move the curser at less than full-measure incriments?

How to get the scrub button to let me scrub a passage with the job/shuttle wheel.

etc, etc, etc.

For the most part, I have got this Controler working pretty good with Sonar 2.2, but am trying to find documentation on using it with Sonar 2.2 correctly so I can use all the features that are supported. I tried Mackie's website, and Cakewalk's website, and found nothing.

Let me know if any of you have experience with these things. Thanks!
Hey moron, try looking closer at the support information on Mackies site, you'll find a help file there that goes into mucho detail. Got, I wish these people would look around... err... eh, wait, that's me... okay, nevermind. ;)
From the help file available at the Mackie site:

In the Mackie Control property page, you can configure the Jog Wheel to move the Now time by increments of beats or ticks. You open the property page by choosing the Mackie Control in the Control Surfaces toolbar, and then clicking the Properties button that is at the right end of the toolbar.

The URL you want for the Mackie site where you can download the help file is:

How do you like the Mackie control with Sonar? I'm strongly considering it for my next purchase. The specs seem pretty DARN good. How responsive is it?

Oh, man - I was about to hassle you for calling the question asker a moron! I didn't realize until after you posted it was yourself! Flaming is reasonably controlled on these boards - I've asked some pretty dumb questions and gotten some pretty patient answers :)

Its just shy of $1000.00. That seems like a lot, but they are all motorized faders, etc -- lots of things going on there. Its also way cool the way the faders move as the envelopes are changing...

Anyone know of it somewhere cheaper?

Yeah, I found the info right after I posted, and felt there would be no harm in publicly flaming myself! ;) ;) I don't think I could be rude enough to call someone else on here a moron. :)

I played with the thing last night and was amazed on how responsive it was. It really worked much snappier than I thought it would. The track LEDs are essential to keep your bearings straight when switching fader banks, and the faders are SMOOTH!

I might go as far as saying that this was the best grand I've spent on my studio so far. It just takes the tedium level WAY down wehn working with a PC-based DAW. All I can say is the Sonar implimentation seems very well done, and I'm not regretting the purchase. I'm gonna get some more desk time with it, and then I'll put a full review up. I just got the thing last night, and it will take me another few days to master it.

So far though, two big thumbs up on this thing!
I'm looking forward to your review! From what I understand, the Sonar implementation of the Mackie control is one of the better, more complete implementations. Some other implementations were brought out more quickly, but control less.

One other interesting point - Sonar also accepts the additional sidecar controllers from Mackie for even more automated channels.

moskus said:
Computer Music used nothing but GOOD words about the Mackie Control with Sonar... the reviewer didn't want to give it back! :)

Yes, I must be blind, but I can't seem to find the review on that site. Could you please post a direct URL to the review? Many thanks!