Any Linux users?

actually elevate thats the most efficient way.
read up sometime on the net of the benefits of programming in asm.
SAW (favored by a number of hi end studios) is written in assembly. and if you read user base reports is highly thought of. but pricey. further if you read about saw, its assembly coding allows it to run on quite lower power pc's. this is one of the benefits of asm.
does not consume as much computing resources. the negative is the programming team developing in asm has to be very professional on the code maintainability issue.
it wont matter anyway. in the long run. because the next generation of tech
with dual and quad processors will let linux run so fast.even though its not all asm.
its just the computer tekkie in me that likes to see things efficient.
years ago you were lucky to have 16k for the application and the OS.
today - its making programmers of OS's lazy. because of power at their disposal.
Actually, that's not entirely true.

Yes, it is true that there are libraries and emulation layers and whatnot on most OSs that can add cycles to performance times.

However, C is not some hypothetical abstraction on top of assembly; in most cases it has a 1-1 correlation with assmebly code. It is possible to get extremely close to the raw performace of assmebly if written correctly.

The main reason a lot of software is bloated nowadays is NOT the due to the choice of programming language per se, but rather is due to layers upon layers of abstraction, bloated middleware, and the use of inappropriate/inefficient algorithms.

It is true that there are cases where sections of code can really benefit from being written directly in assembly. However, I would never consider writing entire applications in assembly. Abstraction has its purposes.

My $0.02.
good comment fraser.
and i cant disagree obviously.
i'm just a throwback to the old days when we HAD to code in machine code due to paltry resources. and i respect people like menuet OS that wring a lot out of little.
manning1 said:
actually elevate thats the most efficient way.
read up sometime on the net of the benefits of programming in asm.
I'm well aware of the benefits of assembly, and I'm also aware of the headache in writing assembly.
in the long run. because the next generation of tech
with dual and quad processors will let linux run so fast.
Ok...thanks for agreeing with me that this is pointless(?)
its just the computer tekkie in me that likes to see things efficient.
And the developer in me likes to see an extensible framework that can be easily managed.
manning1 said:
good comment fraser.
and i cant disagree obviously.
i'm just a throwback to the old days when we HAD to code in machine code due to paltry resources. and i respect people like menuet OS that wring a lot out of little.

I just want it to work, and FC3 with XFCE is very fast.
