Any help w ould be appreciated


New member
I have always gotten great reviews on my creativity, my lyrical ability. I have not been that successful with getting reviews on my "mix" ..
if anyone can give me some pointers I would be quite appreciative.

I have a reverbnation playlist here ---< ReverbNation Player >

Hack at me! Please!
I don't know much about mixing this type of music, but I think you need more bass. I played this on my computer speakers, and when I play Ice Cube or NWA, the bass kind of hits you in the face. Just my two cents.

I see why you get compliments on your lyrics and creativity, though. The song itself was very good.

'Turn it up' sounds good to me. I'd push the instrumental backing up a bit when there's less going on, so the vocal sits in the same place relative to the backing for more of the track.
The levels on the next track suthernblewez don't match up with the previous track, the volume is totally different and the tone of the mix doesn't follow on. Needs a little more careful work in mastering and it'll work better.
I listened to Turn It Up. Great vocal delivery. Good instrumentation.

I'm hearing crackling throughout the whole mix. Like it's a 30 year old vinyl record. Not sure where that's coming from.

Vocals sound a little boxy. Like a cut is needed somewhere around 800-900hz or so.