Any good success stories ($)?

There are ways to make a living 'in music', just depends on what you are prepared to do?

Options include Tribute bands, working musician for hire, entertainer (assuming you have the personality), 'niche' band (eg Blues or Country), functions band (weddings etc), and several others, if 'all' what you want to do is make a living through playing music.

Trouble comes when we want to write and perform our original compositions to packed houses, sell lots of CDs across the country, get major recognition in the media, blah di blah... now that is a completely different story and it is most unlikely to happen - ie the odds are heavily stacked against you.

So career in music yes, rock star lifestyle er definitely no!

The 'third way' is to have complete artistic freedom to write and record whatever you want, absolute control over your distribution,artwork and live performances, and no compromising

......and pay the bills from your day job ;-)

Oh, the thread was about success? Depends what you temr success. i had a thrill recently when one of my home recordings was played on the national BBC John peel show recently. There was no money in it, but satisfaction and something they can never 'take away' from me. Is that success? I think so.