Any good free anti-virus software?

4-Man Takedown

New member
Has anyone ever tried any free anti-virus software thats any good? According to McAfee I have a virus, but it won't clean it, and I'm skeptical about deleting it.
I think AVG sucks!

Just kidding. I use it too. I liked Mcafee, even though it was a processor hog, but when those bastards started pestering me to "renew" my license after a year... screw that. AVG works great, and doesn't seem to be to hard on the processor.
charger said:
. I liked Mcafee, even though it was a processor hog, but when those bastards started pestering me to "renew" my license after a year... screw that.

Exactly!! Its absolute BS what they're doing now. You basically have to fork over $50 every year for their current "supprted" version of the Anti-Virus software.
What irritated me on both Mac and PC is the more reliable Virus software gets more fatter and boring in relation of slowing down machine regardless of CPU strength.

I think about 2 years ago a friend told me to try this AVG 6.0 free edition, and ever since... never bothered to deal with Norton again. I did however paid for full pro version, but bottom line is AVG is superb.

With combination of latest Win patches and AVG + Adware and you have very decent security for your machine. Best of all, they can work in the same time, and AVG is so smooth and simple.
Yep, AVG is great! You know how they always tell you when you play games, or do very CPU intensive stuff to turn off the Virus Scanner or else it may have a chance of crashing? well...I NEVER do that with AVG and it hasn't caused any problems. This program is definitley NOT a CPU hog. It is also very simple and direct, there's no BS. One downfall of the free version(well, you can't REALLY complain since it's free) is that in order to irradicate a virus, you need to scan your ENTIRE computer, you can't just pick one file to eliminate a virus from. But that shouldn't be much of a problem as long as you don't download any WAREZ crap and have a good firewall up.
AVG all the way.

Ever looked at how many TSRs and services have to run when you use crap like Norton or MacAfee? It's absolutely ridiculos.

AVG has on nice little TSR that consumes very few resources, and it works perfectly. That and Sygate Personal Firewall prove that sometimes the best things in life are free. Don't trash your registry by installing hulking dinoaurs like Norton or yourself a favor.

On the subject of firewalls, I've heard good things about Kerio (sp?) Personal Firewall, another freebie. Anyone else?
there is no built in virus scanner in XP.

I was using AVG forever...but then the updates stopped working. I couldn't ever connect to their update site to download the list. I'd have to reinstall the newest program everytime i wanted to update my list. it really pissed me off. haha.

anyway, just as that was happening RoadRunner sent out an email to subscribers that we could get free firewall and antivirus program.
its call eTrust EZ Antivirus (very similar to AVG in how it works). and is a very low CPU hog..basically the same as AVG.

The firewall program was IDENTICAL to zonealarm, in every single way except color. it was rediculous. I don't use zonealarm because of that TRUE VECTOR service, which crashes my system once every 2 days at least. So I have no firewall besides the XP firewall now.