Any Feedback more than welcome - Latest song by "Out Of Season"


New member
This is our latest song, and I was hoping for some feedback, seeing as I am still so new to this (my third recording) I would like everyones opinions. Please, leave nothing out, I will take everything graciously.

Its called "My Own Way"

Latest Version:

Old Version:

Thank you everyone!
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The sound of the vocal is good, but the background sounds a bit mushy and indistinct to me. I want to hear those guitars *defined*. I want that snare to *snap*. I'd EQ the crap out of them if it was me, but my guess is that basically it's how they were tracked that started the difficulty. And is there a bass guitar track in there? Really?
I have taken the advice I got, thank you dobro, and I think things are much better. I refined the song a lot. Please comment everyone! Thank you :)
I think the instruments are clashing with each other in some spots, mostly in the chorus. Maybe more attention to EQ would clean this up. Good Song!!! I like it.
I'm not sure if that's the way you want it, but the guitar sounds a little muffled and restrained. Either way, your singing is average, and the mixing, I have to say, is actually pretty good. I believe you can improve your singing and make your singing louder, because the instruments are over-powering your voice. Good job!

THank you for the feedback everyone. I will try work on the EQ Some more.
@DarrenVocal must the singer put more force and volume behind the mic when we record it, or is it a case of me adjusting the mix to make the vocals louder?

As for the instruments in the chorus, I think it is a small creative decision to have that sort of effect of many instruments playing at once, rather than being completely clear and coordinated. But I will look into it. Thank you!
I know this isnt the advice your necessarily looking for... but i've noticed that in all your songs your drum beats never change throughout the entire song.. it gets very monotonous.
I know this isnt the advice your necessarily looking for... but i've noticed that in all your songs your drum beats never change throughout the entire song.. it gets very monotonous.

No, all advice is good advice. Mostly. Anyway, while I will say that we try to make subtle changes here and there, no, the general idea does not change. And this is due to the fact that we're two guys, and neither of us are drummers. We honestly have no idea what else to do. Coming up with a drum beat is hard enough, nevermind trying to vary it. It would help me greatly if you could suggest some ways to change the beat, simple things a drummer would know.

Thanks for your feedback!