Answer to a terrible nightmare...

Mate the link boots up my media player then I get a message that's it has reached the end ogfthe file followed by all sorts of bother closing the player. This happened twice. perhaps you might check your link.
You should give your bass just a little more definition.
the drums aren't terribly exciting - some effort will develop the pattern & variety.
Otherwise pretty straight ahead rifferama.
Needs a melody.
Might need some thought re stereo image.
Good beginnings.
excellant song... very faith no moreish with your bass tone... I dig it.... As far as technicallities, i cant reply because im listening to it through my laptop speakers.

The music is killer... and thats a plus in recording. It;s hard to make crap sound better...
rayc...drums are the boring because of a loop :)
they are here just for rhytm causes...
bass? i think that this song need to be Lo-Bass style...listen to some of Queen of the stone age kill...

I believe that sound stinks because it was recorded into unbalanced input on behringer firewire card(no preamp,and guitars directly plugged into card)...

Guitar rig also does crappy sounding masters... :)