Another Tracktion issue


New member
I've been using the free Tracktion for a month or so now, generally with no problems. Today i start to record and suddenly my "left analog in" is feeding back, or sounding like there's a delay on the input, depending on how high the gain level is. Turning off end to end does get rid of this, but i want to be using end to end to apply effects as i play. Yesterday i did install some new vst plugins, but i did some recording without this problem. I've adjusted latency settings, reset all my devices and the usual stuff, but can't work out what's going on.

I suspect one of the new plugins is acting up, as it's the only thing i've changed recently, i don't really fancy reinstalling all the plugins (100+) one by one to track down the culprit, unless i have to.

Newsflash: I just navigated through windows explorer to check my vst folder, and even the little navigation noises are having delay all over them. Tracktion is open, and i have linked "left analog in" to a track, end to end is enabled.
