Another stupid panning question!


New member
Okay, I'm pretty tired of dickin around with this thing. I've read thru the manual and still can't figure this out. :mad:

It does not matter if I record in stereo or mono, no matter which way you pan from center it's still audible from the other speaker. I wanna hard pan some tracks but it does not seem to be working. What the heck am I doing wrong?

I tested an audio track that was recorded in stereo to see if I'm doing something wrong in my audio chain to the sound card. No luck, when you look in the master volume control all that is happening is a slight decrease in volume on either the right or left when you are panning.
have you got your track you're trying to pan going through an effect routed to the left and right master buss?

That would do it
Thanks for the quick response!

The master effect was indeed part of that problem. Is there anyway around this besides setting up the effect on each individual track? This just seems like a big taxing on the processor just to hard pan tracks.

The other half of this problem was that the monitor mix was checked in the control panel for the 1010lt. I guess this needs to be turned off when I begin to mix all the tracks.

I was starting to think that I was making good headway with this software, then something as simple as this makes me scratch my head for hours. :o
are you bringing channels out of the 1010 to a hardware mixer?

Something a lot of people forget when using a lot of outputs from software to a mixer is that you need to hard pan EVERY channel in groups of 2 LEFT and RIGHT.

This isn't easy for me to explain but I'll take a crack at it, maybe someone can clarify when I'm done.

with the 1010 you have 4 sets of analog outputs so, if you wanted to output to channel 1 you'd have to select output 1/2 then hard pan the track hard left via your software (I don't mean the delta control pannel) like cubase or AA or whatever you use.

In cubase you can create a group track then say you have 8 tracks of drums...... pan them where you want and send them to a group. Hard pan the group left and right and set that to one of the 4 outputs on the 1010.

I don't even remember how I learned half the stuff I do. I've had the 1010 since 1999. Hopefully someone can clear up what I'm TRYING to say :D
Well if the problem your having is due to an FX channel, there is hope yet, and a couple of fixes. Let's assume we are using a reverb. Obviously if you are sharing this reverb amongst several tracks you want to leave the FX channel alone, but it sounds like you're song has a part where ONLY 1 part is playing in the song hard panned. When this is the case you can use automation to pan the FX channel as well, and bring it back to center when you want both channels playing again. Likewise you could set your FX up on a Group channel (Panned Center) instead of an FX Channel, and create 2 additional Group channels (1 panned left, 1 panned right), and use pre-fader sends from the first Group channel (the panned center one with the actual FX plugin), to feed these new groups. In order to use the FX normally just mute the hard panned groups, and unmute them, and mute the first group for use on just one side or the other.

This method works well because you only need to use 1 send from your tracks to feed the first Group, and essentialy gives you multiple variations of the same plugin without needing to open multiple instances. Obviously your still limited to the actual plugins settings, for all the groups, but each (sub) group could have it's own EQ settings, and additional plugins too.

And of course, check that you're outputs (actual hardware), are showing the tracks hard panned (with no FX). If they are not, even with "Dry" tracks then this is a control panel routing problem.

Sorry if I have thoroughly confused you, like LemonTree, I think I have confused myself even. It has been a long day. So I guess the moral of the story is, mess around with groups, and unlock more power out of cubase. Good Luck...