Another producer looking for a home!


New member
Hi all,

Hopefully I've found a new home here for getting feedback/helping others etc when I can too, I produce (although I've been rather lazy recently) music on the PC with Reason (and have also been dabbling with Presonus Studio One which I quite like as well!)

There's a few work in progresses (that will probably never get finished if I'm honest, bar Rhythm of Life because this track I LOVE and it's a new direction for me from the old trance/dance/ambient stuff! :)

Feedback appreciated, and if anyone needs a musician/producer for work/co-ops or whatever then please don't hesitate to give me a shout! :D


if you want feeback or critiques on specific tracks the mp3 clinic is a good place to post though to be honest MySpaces compression ruins most tracks and many wont want to feedback on something as low quality....dropbox or soundcloud are two sites that let you host at 320kbps rather than Myspaces 96kbps...

welcome to the site btw :)
many thanks for the tip, yeah one thing I was looking to do was move off of myspace for that compression issue (although I seem to have got around that on the tracks I uploaded, can't remember how tho!)

Plus a lot of people (myself included) listen at work and MySpace is blocked. :mad:

I guess they want me to work. :eek:

I'm getting a bit hit in the head with the snare in Rhythm of Life - not so bad once the instrumentation kicks in but really annoying up front - I'd pull it back in a bit and it's a flat harsh sound... can you change it? Soften it?

The fill at 2.22 sounds robotic too...

I'd also turn your hihats up a tidge...

I've not used modern beat producin' software but have programmed drum machines enough to know to set up a few slightly different sounds on snare / ride and just hit them randomly to get a better, less robotic feel. And even in programmed music, everything exactly on the beat all the time gets a bit tiresome...

It's not so much an issue with a lot of beat stuff that doesn't actually use a snare drum but relies on kick and repetitive looping for rhythmic texture, but when you have a snare it really stands out...

Hope that's helpful. Good stuff.. liking Venus.

Get kcearl to have a listen... he does good stuff..

Cheers :drunk: