Another Problem, (damn this just isnt my week)

First, you're trying to record a mono source to a stereo track. Don't do that.

On the volume part, we're going to need an awful lot more information than the model of the mic...
So, we can assume that the phantom is on - You've got your main out around the middle - You're turning up the preamp gain to get the signal around 0dBVU.

I don't see a meter or indicators on the Firebox, so you can use somewhere around -18 or -16dBFS as a reference level... Is that around where you vocal signal is?

I don't mean to "mix with my eyes" - But it's pretty apparent by the picture that "track one" has been clipped hard - It'll need to come DOWN probably 10-12dB (I'd personally go to around -18 or -20) before you can even think of mixing anything else in with it. I'm wondering if your vocal track is somewhat "normal" but everything else is whacked out of the park for some reason.

On the mono thing - It's just what I said before - It appears that you're recording a mono source to a stereo track. You don't want to do that. You don't "fix it" - You just record to a mono track.