Another one of those 'what should I buy' questions (sorry)


New member
Alright, so heres the deal.

I'm in a band. I write all the material/arrange it, play guitar and sing in it as well. The rest of my bandmates are going to be busy for a while, so who knows when we'll perform live again. In the meantime, I would like to record some of our songs, and use them as promotion online. I went to some guy's home studio to record some of our stuff maybe 5 months back, and it was that experience that made me realize that I'd rather record myself from now on. He just didn't get what we wanted, and my inexperience in a 'studio' setting made it worse.

I'm a fan of more lo-fi recordings, so I don't require the most high end gear. But with that being said, I don't want shit either.

I'm looking to record electric guitar, bass, acoustic, xylophone, melodica, maybe some random percussion (not a full drum kit), and of course vocals. Oh, and somewhere down the line, I would love to get a MIDI controller.

I have a PC laptop running Windows 7. I'd prefer an audio interface with Firewire just because I've heard that its better, but USB is fine too as long as it works.

My budget is around $300. I could possibly go up to $350 and maybe 400 but nothing more.

To get an idea of what exactly our music is kind of like, you can check this out: (I'd recommend checking out the 'Love Run Free' preview as that is what I most recently did)

Sorry about the quality. I used a shitty USB mic that i had lying around. And sorry about the bad vocals haha. They were one take.

Anyways, what should I buy as far as an audio interface? And are there any that come bundled with a decent software? I've always used Adobe Audition with my USB mics that I've had but never anything else. I hear Ableton Live is alright, as are a few others.

Any tips on what I should get would be highly appreciated. There are so many opinions out there and I'd just like some specific to what I'm looking for. :)
In your budget I would say use one of these in no particular order

1) Alesis Multimix 8 USB 2.0
2) Presonus Firestudio
3) Zoom R16