Another Oldie but Moldie


New member
Hello everyone,

I have another real old tune that I just posted on Nowhere Radio. This one is from 1995 (again). I also reposted my other tune from the same period and cleaned it up a bit sound wise. I have tried taking out a lot of the treble so it sounds more balanced.

Hope you enjoy them and I welcome all feedback. This is really old (I am still working on some new tunes, but until then ...)

Song is called "Growing Up"

The other is Observations From Space -- I have "remastered" this one to take out some of the highs.

Later all!
Hello boydrj,

I really liked the "wacka, wacka" git in the intro and was turned off in a upheavled way when the acoustic git and keys/synth took over. I might be a victime of my own tin ears but, I'd keep that intro git track as the staple sound of the tune.
The vox and lyrics were impoverished and distracting. I know this isn't nice but, I didn't like the voice, lyrics or phrazing.
I did like the progression and arrangment alot!! It kept my attention and demanded my envy. I realise this is a song from 95 but, with a remix and some attention to the vox and phrazing, the song would be soooo much better. Maybe a pump up on the master mix would help too.
Try some supporting vox tracks and define the feel of the progression more and you will have a great tune.

Please keep in mind that I am not the shit on anything and the reason I posted such blunt and harsh comments is due to the fact that I really like the progression and all instrumental support. I just think they are in the wrong places.

Well, I guess I've soiled my Karma enough for one day. I hope you take these words for the thin opinion that they are.

This tune could flow with power and meaning but, not yet.

I dig the wa wa on the guitar. I agree that you should capitalize on it. The verses almost have a Brian Wilson kind of a sound and Super Tramp too at times. The drums have an OK sound but need to come up in the mix. A few intonation problems with the vocals.
This is a really good tune though. It could be deserving of re-cutting it.:cool:
Thanks for the feedback!

theron -- Thanks so much for your honest words. I am really glad that you liked the progression. I was really proud of that progression at the time. It is funny what several years can do. At the time that I wrote this tune, my lyrics were reflecting on something I was going through at the time, but listening today I am kind of embarrassed by them. They don't quite sound as meaningful as they maybe once did, but a lot has changed in my life since 1995 (hasn't everybody's?) I really appreciate that you took the time to give me an honest review, and who knows, maybe someday I'll revisit this. It seems like too good of a progression to waste. Thanks again!

Track Rat -- Thanks for the listen! That is such a great compliment to compare my measily little tune to anything Brian Wilson might have written. I love that guy's music. The drums were just recorded through a Korg M1 with me beating on the keys. It wouldv'e been nice (Wouldn't It Be Nice) to have the real thing on there. I can't sing to save my life, so I get a lot of those vocal intonantion problems, but I keep practicing, so eventually, who knows. I try to go back and punch in to save them, but I don't always catch each one.

Thanks again for the feedback!
hey drj,
I listened to both tunes... they were both pretty cool. The problems were mentioned already.. As I was listening to 'Observations', I was thinking how good that tune would be with some beefy, heavily distorted, detuned guitars :D Both tunes had cool things about them....

take it easy


Thanks for takin' the time to listen, Sab! Maybe I should go back and re-examine these tunes some day just to see how they might come off sounding today.....

Appreciate the feedback ...

and as Jon Voight (I think it is spelled that way) said in the classic movie, Anaconda ... "The river can kill you in a thousand ways!"
Quick Retraction

I wanted to make a quick retraction of my last comment which I totally meant as a joke, however, I turned on the news this morning and saw that a lot of the mid-west is flooded out and a lot of it is under water.

If you happen to live in this area, I did not mean any offense, I was just trying to be funny in my own stupid way. I hope that if you do live in this area everything is okay and you are safe.

Alright, let the flaming (if any) begin ...
No offence taken. I'm looking out of my window right now at the Meremec River and it's WAY out of its banks. My house is about 200' above river level so the water doesn't get in the house but the flooded roads makes getting around interesting.