another mix review puh-lease!


New member
'lo kids,

Another track in the can. Managed to assemble a rough mix, and as always would like some feedback/suggestions as to where to head next with it. You can find it at and it's the ditty entitled "Semblance Of Sleep".

Gear used on basic tracks: [guitars] Les Paul, Pod v2.0, Line 6 DL-4. [bass] Hartke 5-string, Bass Pod. [vocals] Rode NT-1, Behringer Eurorack baby mixer. No synths, piano accordians or banjos were harmed in the making of this track.

Recorded on PC w/SB Live card (still haven't upgraded...doh!) running Cool Edit Pro, Waves DX plugins and some mutations on the drum loops (sample cd sourced) in Audiomulch.

As always your ears and thoughts are appreciated.


Simon Kean
Shallow End Swimming (Post-Rock) -