Another mix of bdbuck's King's Gold (MR-8 collab)


New member
Check out another mix of bdbuck's song The King's Gold. This should not be considered a final mix. Just something that I whipped up using the MR-8 and n-track to show some of the folks that are considering a MR-8 what they can do with it in conjunction with n-track and a PC. Mix was done on the MR-8 and mixed down to a stereo wav. Then transferred to PC where I added endorphin (softknee compressor) and anwida (reverb) both plugs are free. Like I said this is not meant to be a final mix. It does not do clifchamb justice. Don't take any offense toward me clif. The final mix is up to you man.

I forgot one thing. This also shows that folks can get together and make music when they don't live in the same town. This was done from Georgia, Virginia, and I don't know where clif is at, but I think he is a yankee (just kidding).
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Hey buddy,
I wish you would have used a fade there at the biggie. It really shows the superior nature of Clif's work's amazing you can even hear him with the way I made that scratch track! As far as I can see, that's the only thing about that mix that's missing. Nice job!

gospel said:
The final mix is up to you man.

and I don't know where clif is at, but I think he is a yankee (just kidding).

The low end of the mix may be tweaked a little, but your mix is very clean though, I can still hear all the little stuff I do on the bass in the mix. I also liked how you panned the electric guitar in the mix a little to the right (or did I do that?) Anyhow it has given me some more ideas for my mix.

I am from Seattle area, so this is truly a coast to coast production than spans over 3000 miles> :)

clif, I actually panned one guitar to about 11:00 and the other to about 1:00. I left the vocals and drums/bass in the middle. Don't ask me why I did that? I'm still new to this stuff. It just sounded right to me.
In doing this and posting it I really found out how converting to MP3 changes the sound.

Wow! I didn't know you were from Seattle. Are people from Seattle yankees? (just kidding again)

buck, I did do a fade on the end, but I guess I didn't fade enough. I wanted to get that last little guitar note on the end.
Why dont I see where to down load the song or listen to it.
Am i missing something?
In the future, if you just check the URL at the top when you are looking at the page the tune is on, that is the link for everyone to go directly to the tune so they don't have to click around....I was totally lost the first time I went to NWR. It takes some getting used to.

Sounds great. I'd only make one suggestion, if you don't mind.

Actually, I was going to type it and then I found an article that said the same thing as I would have, only better, so I'll just copy the link.

Basically, for drum sequences, think like a drummer and don't hit more drums than is physically possible. There were a couple spots in the song that do that, and it instantly says "drum machine" to me. (No offense intended by pointing it out.)
Speaking for myself, I've always thought it impossible to think like a drummer! LOL.
Seriously, back when I was giggin, many times I sat on the throne during breaks, or to show a drummer the beat I had in mind, or whatever....I never could play worth a damn. I could never get the feet moving in time with the hands. Now, I didn't have any trouble singing, playin the guitar and dancin around at the same time....never could quite understand the difference.
I'd wager to say that although Clif is by far a better drummer than I, he would probably say he's not a drummer. He did a pretty good job of doing the drum track, considering the fact that we both have the same drum machine and I never could have done it!
All in all, I hear what you are saying, and I'll definately use those words of wisdom in the future......when I figure out how to use this machine.
Thanks for the listen and the advice!
