another group of people itracked,..

I like the sparseness of the arrangement and production.

It sounds like the singer is deliberately fashioning his vocal stylings after Sting . . . which is kind of annoying.

I like the room sound you were able to get on the vocal. It's very natural. Did you use a room mic, I take it? What kind of room, and how did you position the mics?
thanks..the rtack is actually not mixed yet.....
the vocal mic....was actually just an SM57 w/ a pop filter....not far away at all..
laughingcolors said:
thanks..the rtack is actually not mixed yet.....
the vocal mic....was actually just an SM57 w/ a pop filter

I'm assuming it was tracked live, then? I'm guessing the other mics must have picked up some vocal spill, because there's just too much room sound on the vocal for that to be just a 57. :D I like it, though, and in a nice, live space like that, you should use some room mics.