Another "Can I sing?" thread to add to the bunch...


New member
Not gonna lie, I'm extremely curious. I promise I won't be offended at all if I can't sing, I'd just like to know what everyone thinks.

Ahh, still can't post links... add "98918657867d1f16" after

Edit: you might have to download it, since you need a plugin to listen to it on the site...
You sound unsure of yourself, and that comes across unpleasantly - like you don't mean what you're singing about. There's some pitch problems in this recording, sure, but that gets better with practice. I'd say "You'll be a fine singer with time and practice and some confidence building". Also - easy on the reverb, killer :p
Yeah, what he said ^^^

You do sound a little unsure about yourself. Just try to loosen up. And yeah, too much reverb...kinda makes it hard to hear YOU sometimes ;)
Cool, thanks a lot guys! It really means a lot. I'll definitely keep practicing, I don't wanna be any sort of an awesome singer, just enough to keep up with my little band. I just got my recording gear, so I've sort of been going mad with every reverb VST I could find...I'll ease it off next time.

Thanks again!
Although I've not listened to the voice, I do want to encourage you where effects are concerned. Until your ears become accustomed to hearing minute changes in effects settings, then it's easy to overdo effects because sometimes, one just can't hear the changes so you don't know if the reverb or whatever is working well. But if you listen a year later, it makes you cringe ! That's the improvement of the ears.
From the beginning, if possible, turn your effect way up till you can't mistake it. Then keep turning it down until you can barely make it out. Depending on what effect you want to achieve, that's the ballpark area. Tweak to suit your taste. Even when it seems like there's no effect, come back to it and you'll hear it. I wish I'd thought more like that when I first started.