Another Beatles cover


New member
I think this one turned out quite well, but I'd like some opinions.

Penny Lane

Recorded from the direct outs of a Midas Venice to an Alesis HD24.
No overdubs or retakes - a one take performance recording.
Remixed using N-Tracks. Beefed up with Songe Forge and Ozone.
Cool michaelst !

Very nice job on one of my very favorite Beatle tunes.....

Love the sound of the horns and bells.....

Great for one-take too!

:D :) :D :)
I always love the Beatles. Pretty cool sir. How much is midi and how much is acoustic?

I'm not sure how you mean midi, but everything is played live: 3 keyboards(Kurzweil K2600 - 2 players) - all played patches... nothing sequenced, 1 guitar, playing a piano thru a synth, a bass and drums.

This was the 3 song in the 3rd set.