Annoying sound with Audiophile 2496


New member
I have an Audiophile 2496 soundcard connected to a Behringer UB1204 PRO mixer. Everything works fine with one exception, there is an annoying sound in the background all the time while recording.

It's not very high amplitude sound (noise!), but rather high frequency (i.e. not a 50Hz buzz but somewhere around a C1 whatever freq. that is!).

Does anyone have a qualified guess where to start searching for the cause of this? Is it the soundcard thats cracked apart or is the Behringer fu**ing up the sound?

If someone helps me I will be happy for the rest of the week... at least.
Thanks in advance all you skilled persons!

i'm wondering if we have the same sound.....i get a sound thats like a quick hiss but it fades when the signal fades is that what your getting? UB802 behringer mixer and audiophile here also
Try to use a sound source that you can feed directly into the soundcard bypassing the mixer, something that does not require preamplification. If the noise is gone - blame your mixer.
Well... just discovered that the noise is there also when the mixer is disconnected. I ran the output from the 2496 through my HiFi rack and the freakin thing is there! Not as prominent as when going through the Behringer, but still...

Seems like the soundcard or the cable is responsible but XP says that everything is working ok and the cable seems a little far fetched... or?


well i started laying down the guitar and bass even though i hear it when the instruments are playing by themselves..but when everything is going...i cant hear it...doesnt sound like too big of a deal now
gastblaster said:
Well... just discovered that the noise is there also when the mixer is disconnected. I ran the output from the 2496 through my HiFi rack and the freakin thing is there! Not as prominent as when going through the Behringer, but still...

Seems like the soundcard or the cable is responsible but XP says that everything is working ok and the cable seems a little far fetched... or?



Just a couple of ideas.
I understood that you hear the noise on the playback. But how was this file recorded, with or without the mixer?
If you can arrange to play this file on another computer, than you can say if your 2496 is adding the noise on the playback.
What happens when you play a prerecorded CD on your computer? Is there a difference between listening to your computer through speakers and headphones?
Cheap or bad cables can be noisy. You haven't said anything about your setup, but maybe you can do a test recording of some virtual instrument? This way you can bypass the mixer and input cables.
Noise may seem inaudible in the busy mix, but 2496 is a quite card. There should be no noise in the first place.
Ok I've done some science here now...
I recorded one masterpiece(?) with only VST instruments using my Midiman USB-keyboard and another with my half acoustic guitar through the mixer.

The VST song (thing) sounded perfect, not a hiss, click, pop or noise whatsoever. The analogue song, on the other hand, has the noise in it. EVREKA!(?)

What's the most possible reason for this. Could my soundcard be so devious that there's something wrong with the DIN-connector chain (Because I here the mother f***er even with the mixer out, but not as much) or is it a cable problem?

Anyone out there with a noisy Behringer? If so, please let me know.

(thank's for helping me out webstop!)
