anger management


New member
Allright folks...I think I've done all I can with my sorry ass abilities on this song...thanks for your comments and help...and if there are any other glaring problems...still...definately let me know and I'll get back to work...

I'll definately be looking for the elusive Mr. ChrisHarris for the scream approvals!!!

also...if my songs are a pain to download, can someone let me know a better and quicker way for people to lend me their ears? thanks...and I apologize for the time to download...

sounded like a pretty good mix to me, but I must post a disclaimer cause, honestly I'm no judge of whole headbangin genre, I'm just an old fart ;) . What is this style officially called anyway. :confused:
Its one of the better songs Ive heard in that style, I liked the SCREAMS. Actually got 2 listens :D

Download was a breeze

thanks Bill

Thanks for the comments Bill...and sorry to rattle the head-bangin' cage! haahaa...
Not really sure what the genre is...I'm not a great guitar player by any stretch...and that usually defines the 'sound'...I guess its sorta rock or new metalish...but with her stays pretty melodic....thanks again Bill!
the download was totally fast..

the tune sounds a lot better than the previous mix.. there's still a distorted quality over the whole thing to my ears.. the background distorted vocals cut through nicely but they are a bit harsh.. they sound louder than the lead vocal.. bass is woofy sounding.. still a big improvement over the first mix!