Andy McKee - Amazing


New member
HI folks. Lots of you may already be familiar with Andy McKee, but I figured I would post it up for those who don't know him. I only heard him for the first time a couple of days ago when my bands other guitar player turned me onto him. If you don't know him you have to check this out. He is unreal. Truly on a different level. I posted the links to my two favorites, but if you dig it don't forget to check out the other vids on the right side of the screen. Enjoy!


Yeah i love his song drifting..hes a really awesome guitar player, with some pretty chill music.
Yes, his song writing is very much above par, and he has excellent control with his tapping/harmonics/knocking techniques. Very solid player, and I would love to see him live.
haha if i was next to him at like a guitar center while he was playing id just inadequate..playing like..g chords while hes going all out haha.