And Now for Something Completely Different


New member
No, it's not a man with three buttocks. I've taken "You Know What to Do" from the Beatles' Anthology 1 and added backing vocals and some extra instrumentation. Have a listen if you are interested.


as everybody here knows, I love the Beatles and fuck any hipper than thou apologies...hearing their music changed my fourteen year old life completely way back when....I'm embarrassed to say I don't have the anthologies....I have no idea of what you did instrumentally with the song, but the back up vocals you did would have made 'em proud you knew how to do it beatle-esque...that was fun...gibs
Good show

Did you add that cello-sort of patch? That was nice as was the vocals. Like adding stuff that was stylistically several years ahead (I mean later in time) of what they were doing when their cut was recorded. Nice job.
Gibs -- the backing vocals, drums (but *not* tamborine), high attack rhythm guitar (mm-gah, mm-gah), and lead were me. The lead vocal, bass, tamborine, and strummed rhythm guitar were from the original. How can you call yourself a Beatles fan and not have the Anthologies? At least get A2!!! ;^{)

drstawl -- There's no cello on this. Maybe you're mistaking the backing "ooohs" in the middle for a cello?

MikeDog, as is said here in east texas, "Ahm Pore".....but I'm gonna buy 'em soon......gibs