Analogue to digital transition - explanation?


New member
Firstly, please know that I'm a total newbie in this area and I've just started my adventure with music production. I've done some research already and there is one thing I simply cannot understand.

Can anyone explain me what is the whole analogue to digital transition about? Books and websites mention that without explaining what the first and the second are about, and Wikipedia refers to terms that require advanced physics/electronics knowledge. Please, may someone explain a total newbie how both work? What I've concluded myself so far is that I associate analogue with tapes and knobs, and digital with computers and DAW software. Is that even correct?

Also, what is digital FX?

Analog = audio translated to electric signal (voltage/current), typically recorded on tape.
Digital = audio to "computer talk" = all '1's and '0's, recorded on a stand-alone digital recorder or directly into a computer.

Digital F/X = by passes the resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc, making the FX simply with a software simulation (again, all those 1s and 0s)