Analog vs. Digital Need help....

A Reel Person said:
Sterility is what's wrong with music, today.

In FULL agreement here with Dave. Pre-digital recordings were FULL of character (ie: tape saturation, tube preamps and mics etc ...). Digital is sterile and clinical sounding and aweful to play with.

"Accuracy" of digital is not what I want to hear in an audio recording. I want character and LOTS of it! I also want to have FUN spinnin' those tapes, pressing *real* buttons, hearing motors run, watching those levers engage, going +6 on the VU meters, not needing a manual to start recording right away, actually storing something physical on tape and not doing things virtual - I want my recordings to actually exist and have life! Analog has these and more!

getuhgrip said:
Chevys are better than Fords! Are digital pictures more accurate than conventional film? Where's that guy, Jeeves?

Do you want "accurate" or more pleasing and natural ? Film always reproduces natural tones which even the best digital cameras lack. For eBay selling I use a digital camera to "accurately" represent an item, do an extreme close-up etc. I use a film camera to capture nature or an item of beauty, an art work etc ... Film makes a nice object "nicer" while digital represents it "as is". Which one do you want ?

Big time Hollywood (movies) still uses film and hasn't switch to digital. Why aren't the audio studios that smart?

themaddog said:
Big time Hollywood (movies) still uses film and hasn't switch to digital. Why aren't the audio studios that smart?


'Cause they know digital sucks! :eek: :D ;) (Sorry, couldn't resist .. ;) )

themaddog said:
Big time Hollywood (movies) still uses film and hasn't switch to digital. Why aren't the audio studios that smart?


No. Many are using digital now. Look at the last 2 Star Wars movies. Both filed entirely on digital cameras. Other movies are doing that too.
Actually, I think "Attack of the Clowns, er, Clones" was the FIRST movie to be "filmed" entirely in digital.
D vs A

Facinating discussion....
I am analog all the way, but to note that Hollywood IS jumping on the digital bandwagon, albeit not in droves as the audio studios did. The engine is the DLP (Digital Light Processor) projector. The issue for Hollywood is they have to deal with the delivery method...the motion picture theatres.. and conversion of projection sets to pure digital. The market dynamics are completely different. If you live in a city with a DLP cinema ( I am in Dallas, try Cinemark Legacy) you will find the picture image quality impressive. Especially in movies like Toy Story which is completely computer generated. No film.. ever!
And nobody will dispute that a DVD has inferior quality to a crappy VHS tape.

Sorry if im off the subject line a bit, but it WAS a Digital vs Analog discussion.
technoplayer said:
The issue for Hollywood is they have to deal with the delivery method

I believe it was Shrek...correct me if I am wrong...but some theatres had a harddrive projection system delivered so that a high resolution image could be shown on the screen.
Outlaws said:
I'm with you on that one. :D


Just wanted to add that digital is about convenience and price. Has nothing to do with having as good or better "quality". Just like CD's can't touch open reel recorders/players and records. Has nothing to do with quality. CD's (and their players) are cheap to produce, are inexpensive to the consumer and their machines are light and portable (and disposable). Quality is sacrificed and so is the joy of operating one of those Analog machines.

That CD's were gonna be a better format than records and reels is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the consumer.

My 2 cents ...
