Analog to Adat...


New member
So my buddy's running a DAW with a Frontier Designs Dakota. If you're not familier, it's 16 in and 16 out ADAT Lightpipe, 2x2 midi in/out, and a SPDIF or ADAt sync in a PCI slot...So right now he's got an M Audio Octane running into the first adat slot of his card.

Now he's been good with the Octane up till now, but with his tax return and some savings he wants to add some new pres - but the ones he wants (and I'm not sure which they are) only have analog ins...

Basicially he wants a device (preferably rackmountable) that will take 8 balanced analog (1/4" or XLR) inputs and output them as ADAT lightpipe.

Anyone have any ideas? And the idea is along the lines of 'with a cheapness'...

chris-from-ky said:
8 pre's of choice hooked to an Apogee Rosetta 800 will with the proper cabling

True, but at more than 2 grand, that's more than his budget including the 4 pre's he wants to add!!!!!!!

But it would be perfect - or the AD16 and DA16 - is there anything like the Apogee line that's much cheaper? I'm fairly familier with Maudio and presonus and they don't have anything like this...Is apogee the only option?

Use the Octane, just plug the analog outs of the new pre into the analog in's of the Octane (on the back, top row of 1/4" TRS plugs I think). You bypass the Octane pre's and just use it's converters.
reshp1 said:
Use the Octane, just plug the analog outs of the new pre into the analog in's of the Octane (on the back, top row of 1/4" TRS plugs I think). You bypass the Octane pre's and just use it's converters.

I think you misunderstand, he wants to continue to use the Octane pres, and add more pres to record more sources simultaneously.

Oh, I gotcha. The cheapest I can think of is the Behringer ADA8000. Actually not a bad piece.
jkokura said:
I think you misunderstand, he wants to continue to use the Octane pres, and add more pres to record more sources simultaneously.

So if I read you right, your friend wants to buy 4 pre's and an 8 channel converter on x amount of dollars?

How about a Presonus Digimax? Or the Focusrite Octopre? What exactly is the budget? Will a second octane not work for some reason?
chris-from-ky said:
So if I read you right, your friend wants to buy 4 pre's and an 8 channel converter on x amount of dollars?

How about a Presonus Digimax? Or the Focusrite Octopre? What exactly is the budget? Will a second octane not work for some reason?

He wants to buy several different pres - he doesn't want a box that has all the same pres - he's already got one like that!

I don't know specifically what pres he wants, but think of a way to get an RNP, a DMP3, a Mindprint Envoice and a Toft EC1 into the Dakota's lightpipe in....So far what I've found that matches best is the Alesis Ai3...Any other ideas?

In keeping continuity... Frontier designs makes the Tango24. 8 channel a/d converter for 700 bucks at Sweetwater. That and say an API 3124+ and you're smokin'!

Look at the Mackie Onyx 800R if he's not ruling out a box with pre's and converters. The Tango25 seems a good choice. Alesis makes a similar box arounf $400 I think. If he's really on a tight budget the behringer would be useable. Another option would be a different interface. Something with 8 analog ins and 8 ADAT ins. MOTU 896 or 828mkII or traveler, Digi 002R, RME fireface, etc. For what he'll spend on getting 8 channels of good converters, it might make more sense to get a more versitile interface.