Analog Portastudio tracking help in Nasvhille


New member
Really have not had help on the forum. Looking for someone here in Nashville, TN. to help hands on. Or, someone on this forum to help me, 'till I get it figured out. Tired of tearing what little hair this old man has, out.
Thanks so much for the response! I do put the other tracks in safe. I have a 414, and have no problem with it; the "off" switch on each channel seems to make that easy. On the 424, I can record separate on 3 and 4, and stereo on 3 and 4 (one pass). I can record separate on 1 and 2 BUT, everytine I do, it bounces to the other. In other words if I record on 1, it also records automatically on two. If I record on 2, it also automatically records on 1. All of this I do by actually taking the mic, input it in the corresponding channel, which is less complicated for me to do. I will check out that tutorial.