Analog Graphic Equalisers


New member
Been searching for a decent analog graphic equaliser and coming up with nothing. Can anyone recommend one? I really want it to add some warmth to my studio guitar rig which is based around a POD Pro. I figured the G Eq was a good way to warm it up?


many thanks
Hi thanks for the recommendation...I wasn't familar with the API 560, just looked it up. Looks great! I'd need to go with the hardware version. Hopefully it is pretty easy to setup.
It's not hard at all to set up. However, if I remember right, you are looking at about $1300 for a single channel of API and it's a 10 band graphic EQ. That seems a little steep to me to take a gamble on whether or not it is going to work. Have you tried a graphic EQ like this before? Are you sure that it's what you need? My guess is that a good parametric is a better way to go. Maybe it just needs a better preamp or some compression? There are some pretty nice complete channel strips that I would maybe look into before sinking that kind of money into 1 channel of API EQ.

Don't get me wrong though, the API stuff is incredible. Just not the solution I might be looking to first if I were in your situation.

Thanks for your note. You raise a great point. Well, the answer is no I haven't tried a G EQ with this setup (POD PRO and Korg) before. All I am really going off is the view of a respected studio owner friend of mine who also used a POD PRO and swears by an analog G EQ to warm things up and reduce some of the digital "processy" feel.

In terms of compression etc. I do have compression built into the PRO tones already.

Re: there something you would recommend?
A number of people have commented that the "warmth" of the PODs tone was night and day between the balanced and unbalanced output. Have you tried the XLR output yet... I'd suggest that.

What I wouldn't suggest is an EQ of any type to get a "sound". Think of an EQ as a repair tool to fix tracks that weren't recorded correctly in the first place... well, that's not exactly right... but in this particular case, I think it holds true...

I've always been a bit dissappointed in the tone of my own pod as a standalone... but a decent Preamp/DI can breath new life into it...
Hi Mofo

Thanks for the advice. No I never thought re: the XLRs. Will give that a try!

Re: your comment about decent pre-amp/DI. Do you have any recommendations as to what would work well? For example, I have a Fatman2...would you advise trying putting it through that unit?
Agreed on the "get it right in the first place" point -

Also agreed on the parametric point - Graphics are nice for live use and sidechaining, but IMHO, you'd be MUCH better served by having a decent parametric around...

And I'm not just saying that because I've got a rather decent one for sale... :eek:

Really, though. Don't go graphic.
robf said:
For example, I have a Fatman2...would you advise trying putting it through that unit?

More than advise... I'd recommend it... Sounds like you've already got the tools you need... try the balanced output of the POD into the balanced line in on the fatman... should be some great tone there
Re: running through Fatman2. Thanks for the advice, I will def give it a go. you mean run it through the compressor part of the Fatman2 rather than pure preamp?
yes there is compression already built into the pod pro. When I mentioned compression I was refferring to something much nicer and more versatile than the presets in the pod pro.

Personally i would give the Fatman a whirl before you go investing too much in other equipment. Make sure you really do need something better than what you already have. That way you can make a more informed decision if you do need to buy something else. There are some great channel strip options available that you could also use for much more than just your guitar stuff. Some solid inder $2000 options I can think of are... Universal Audio LA610, Chandler channel strip, Any Nevealike strip with EQ, Daking channel strip, maybe even a Toft Audio channel strip. There are plenty more out there that I haven't mentioned but that should get you started on the road to research:)
robf said:
Re: running through Fatman2. Thanks for the advice, I will def give it a go. you mean run it through the compressor part of the Fatman2 rather than pure preamp?

Try both... the POD has an output gain control so you don't have to worry about beating up the front end of the preamp section of the fatman... and I think the compressor in the fatman will blow the doors off of the PODs compressor (too thin sounding). Experiment... twist some knobs...
robf said:
Been searching for a decent analog graphic equaliser and coming up with nothing. Can anyone recommend one? I really want it to add some warmth to my studio guitar rig which is based around a POD Pro. I figured the G Eq was a good way to warm it up?


many thanks

Altec 1650. Got it for 50$. Has a somewhat unique tone on guitar/bass.
Here it is on bass in "beached":

I think of it as a 'glorified' tone effect really.