An old recording with a 6 string and a full band

Jim Soloway

New member
I finally dug out some of the demo recordings I made in LA in 92 with a full band. I was still playing 6 string at the time and my music hadn't gotten as laid back as it is now. I was still smoking like a fiend, so the vocals are very different.

I'm going to be transferring a bunch of them onto my Tascam over the next few weeks, so you'll be seeing a lot more.

On this particular cut my brother Michael is playing keyboards (the vibes are actually a Yamaha synth), Carlos Hatem is the drummer, Richard Hardy is the Sax player. The bass player is Brian something and I'm playing both electric and acoustic guitars and harmonica as well as singing. The harmonic sax duel in the solo section was a gas. As I recall the whole harmonica/sax thing went down in one take from beginning to end. I haven't played much harmonica since then, but 11 years later it still gets me excited.

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erichenryus said:
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Sorry. Apparently the entire server is down for a while. Hopefully it will be back up by the morning.
Love it Jim... I hear the seasoning, skill, feel, and courtesy on these. Nice nice groove.
I feel... :)
Ah... settle down w/a martini... and siiip... and sip... daddy-o..

Damn... this style of jazz is my thang... aw! Don't them drums just kick your @ss!! Love that backbeaty thing... yaw yaw yaw of the trumpet... sweet sax. Standup bass... YEEAHH

You know... Lt. Bob? Whattya think? This sounds like a culprit for a remake... (wish I could drum like that... or like anything :D) but I'm almost hearing AL singing this, and Steve doing the sweet saxy deal... WATYF doing the understated slap slap slappy thangg.. (or Eric... nobody's picky ;))... groucho or Walter on harps...

And there's party pants in the corner... smoking something... shades on... shaking a finger to da beat :p

Jim, this is whut sweetsweetsweetmama needs...

Chaddy-o w/a very cooool 5 :cool:
Always up for a Willie Dixon classic....

Wow, now *that's* some low end, baby...:)

Loose, fun vibe to this. Sounds like y'all woulda been fun to see in a club.

You took a tune that every blues band in the world has covered (including my old one:)) and found a way to put a different slant on it. Good fun.
