An old one


New member
This was one of my first recording and mixing attempts. It uses both live and electronic drums.

It's short, but I have sentimental attachment to it. Listening to it now, I really wish I still had the original tracks, so I could revisit it and play with it more. Since I don't, any ideas what I might be able to do with the mixed track to improve it a bit?

This is cool. The beat is pretty chaotic and awfully loose, but I like the idea there a lot.

Vocals are cool and quirky - reminds me of david byrne a bit. I wish they were much more up front though. Bass was cool as was the feedback.

Too bad you can't remix, because I hear a bunch of things I might change at that stage...if you're asking about mastering the existing mix I really have nothing as I don't have any experience making modifications at that stage and instead tend to merely bring up the levels at that point. Only thing I could imagine doing here would be to mess around with overall EQ to see if you could bring out the vocals without making the rest sound trashy. Maybe apply some reverb sparingly?

I dunno...definitely an interesting and fun listen.