An Officer and Two Gentlemen demo


New member
An Officer and Two Gentlemen have a new demo up:
They call it action rock :

and facebook:!/pages/An-Officer-and-Two-Gentlemen/140598029293100

I recorded, mixed, and mastered their project; it was my first time doing this, so I made many rookie mistakes like over EQing and such, but I'm pleased overall.

I have learned a lot thanks to all the helpful threads on this site; the recording and mixing process well really well. When the mixes were done, I begged the band to have the tracks professionally mastered because I didn't have the room, gear, or skill, but they didn't have the money, trying to survive college life. So the internal balance of the tracks is not perfect, but it's still pretty good demo quality. Oh well, maybe someday it can be remastered.

Here's some of the gear, most of which is very old (they're not the only ones poor lol

Dell Inspirion laptop 2002 1.6ghz core duo 2 gb ram
DAW Reaper v2.0
Interface: fast track ultra
Monitors: Maudio BX5a's
Mics: sm57, sm7b, beta 52a, mk012, MJE K47H
Vst: Sonitus suite, blockfish comp, Tal Delay, SIR reverb, etc
RNC compressor

Have a listen and let me know what you think!!!
Peace, Chad