An ode for analogers


New member
"I'm not a great fan of digital equipment.... nah, let's be honest...
I HATE DIGITAL!!:mad: I like the analog sound. Real sound.
Yes... I stopped fixing DATs (no not ADATs or DA88s), but I gotta say that
for overall sound quality I love the warmth and fatness that
analog gives. I mean why does everyone have to use tube this and
vintage that to make their digital recordings "sound good"...(they never do)
Ya'd think if the technology was up to snuff, it would already
sound good...but it doesn't. :rolleyes: You get greater ear-fatigue with
digital. Ya get a thinner sound. All sorts of phasing.
Horrible frequency responce that even the worst Analog unit
would never never allow. But it's the current technology,
and it's never going away..... It's killing music in some senses.

Few now seem to be able to play their instruments skillfully
and with inspiration. Folks who are second-rate guitarists
now record their own drum tracks, because they can edit this and
loop that little part they accidential played correctly.

There's no 'air' in digital. No depth. No soul. :cool:

I used to cut records for CBS Records.... yep, cut masters on a
Skully Lathe with a Westrex cutting head. I love the way
analog tape sounds and how records - not CDs - sound.

The sampling Rate of analog is infinate! Eighteen Quadrillion Billion
Godzillaion times 10 to the billionth power. Just like the strings
on a guitar or violin. Just like the way your ears respond to sound.

Digital - even the best out there - sounds like crap when
compaired to the actual instrument. There's not one top
engineer that I know of who will say digital sounds as good as analog.

They just say "I don't care anymore..""
They just say "I don't care anymore..""
Well, anyone who comes here to this forum cares. :)

In reality, you can't turn back the hands of time or the minds that know no other way because they were raised on digital.

I liken it all to the mighty hamburger and the fast food industry that feeds a fast food world.

No body cooks any more and the health specialists will tell you a steak will kill you! :eek:

I still eat steak and make the time to cook it myself just as I record in analog and enjoy the taste.

Yes, analog is not as quick or convenient but if prepared properly, just like a good steak, the experience is always more satisfying then a McBarf on a bun.

Cheers! :)

Would you mind if I cut and paste your post on a small local mastering forum I visit...............somehow I think it would be appreciated.
If I had only known $5000.00 or so back what I could have been sitting on right now for analog equipment. I could have probably got a nice fat 2" 1" analog recorder instead I spent over 3 years recording on digital workstation driving myself completly crazy because "it almost sounds good" I aquired serious ear fatigue and "EQaphobia" that I'm still trying to get over.

On top of that the value of the workstation dropped by over 3 quarters within the first year!! Talk about a disposable society! It's a technilogical and economical black hole.
well, I know I posted about my new rtr today, but I have to share here as well.
In the past 20 years I went from a 2 track reel to reel , to a 4 track cassette, to an 80-8, 8 track reel to reel 1/2 inch to a VS880 Roland, to a VS1680 Roland, to CUbase SX, and now back to a TSR 8 1/2inch Tascam for sound. I played my 10 year old tracks on the Ampex 456 tonight and I have to tell you, I know what I've been missing now.
I still have the VS1680 and Cubase, but I think I will track everything on the TSR8 that I deem fit. When I have a few players in the studio tracking at once, then I may cross platforms while printing. Hey I can say that again. tape.
I think digital sounds great.

Compared to my MSR, I think digital sucks. Go tell it to the digital people.

Hmmmm, they still don't get it. The name of the forum is A N A L O G!!

After reading this I understand why I get more satifaction from my 1/4" 4-track than any digital stuff I've used. And right next my recording gear is my "Vinyl Cafe". oOh Ya. Love the sound of that vinyl. Feels good to know I am not alone.
for real

Every other music related site on the internet thinks tape is some ancient joke.

This forum is a sound asylum!

Well, thought I'd share my last two mixes that have nothing to do with tape, recorded straight to sound forge but came from vinyl. :)

Part I

Part II
Nice work...

Change is Gonna Come has a real '70s feel to it, tape makes it work! Nice job! The stream keeps cutting me off though...