An inexpensive recorder for keyboards

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The V50's user's guide raises an alarm (box entitled "Equipment that can be connected to the V50 output", page 10):
"... be sure to use the line input. Connecting the output of V50 to the mics input could damage the equipment. ... Mixers (e.g. the MV802 or DMP7) be sure to use the line input."

I see two sources of trouble:
(1) The V50 output port could be killed if the connected device accidentally activates the phantom voltage.
(2) The high signal level coming from V50 could cause damage to the device's preamplifier.

=== Question A ===
How could I prevent the disaster on a BEHRINGER UMC204HD interface or a Weymic A80 Mixer ?

=== Question B ===
The latter has four inputs labelled "MIC/LINE" shaped exactly like (as far as I can see) the former's two inputs.
Does it mean that I must use monophonic 6.35 mm jack cables for all connections ?
The V50's user's guide raises an alarm (box entitled "Equipment that can be connected to the V50 output", page 10):
"... be sure to use the line input. Connecting the output of V50 to the mics input could damage the equipment. ... Mixers (e.g. the MV802 or DMP7) be sure to use the line input."

I see two sources of trouble:
(1) The V50 output port could be killed if the connected device accidentally activates the phantom voltage.
(2) The high signal level coming from V50 could cause damage to the device's preamplifier.

=== Question A ===
How could I prevent the disaster on a BEHRINGER UMC204HD interface or a Weymic A80 Mixer ?

=== Question B ===
The latter has four inputs labelled "MIC/LINE" shaped exactly like (as far as I can see) the former's two inputs.
Does it mean that I must use monophonic 6.35 mm jack cables for all connections ?
First off, the 204 has a very positive switch at the back for phantom power, if you are really worried whack a bit of Gaffer over it!
Secondly, in nearly 20 years of messing with AIs and wee mixers with 48V I have NEVER found a device which could "accidentally activate phantom power" I doubt anyone else here has either. It would be a very silly function to provide!

And, number three? EVEN if phantom power WAS activated it would only appear on the XLR connections NOT the jack.

Yes, you need TS 'mono' guitar type jack to jack plug cables. AFAIK the line inputs of the Behringer are balanced but I very much doubt that the V50 outs are. For runs up to 3m, even more, unbalanced lines will rarely give problems but keep them away from mains leads and any 'line lump' PSUs. Again, don't be woo'ed into buying "super quality,ultra low capacitance guitar cables" Go pretty much as cheap as you can find (I shall have a look for thee) If you want to spend a bit more, buy spares.

Two of those would be entirely adequate. You can pay more for posher of course but they won't work any better!

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I want to express my gratitude for your altruistic assistance, first !!

1) Regrettably, the PC Arena audio cable can only be purchased as a single item on (And I need four of them, right ? Two for V50 and two for GEM piano.)
Are these ones (4.74 Euro/each) worth considering ?

3) Despite the same problem with the MIDI cable, this (12 Euro for two cables) appears to be the identical Cable Matters product.
Ah, now you are getting into 'operational' matters where your actual use of the gear is involved. Do you want to record two separate "stereo" sources? If so you will need to unplug one to connect the other. Therefore one pair of cables will suffice? Yes, you could have two sets coming from each source and swap them as required. Only you know the easiest way to arrange things.

There is of course the more expensive UMC404HD with four inputs but since you cannot play two keyboards at the same time? (actually, with MIDI you can! But again...K.....? )

Not sure of the problem with the DIN cables? As I said, any 5 to 5 standard cables will work. One of the good things about Amazon (plenty bad!) is that you have about a week to test things and then, if no good, ship them back and get a full refund.

You have my friend peered into "the rabbit hole" of Home Recording. The subject is vast and complex but getting started really is not that difficult. But I am sorry to tell you you WILL make mistakes. You WILL waste some money. The important thing IMHO is to realize that and jump in and have a go.

Typing midi cable into - brings back loads and the cheap ones are fine - the only critical thing is length. Do not go over 5m as a good rule of thumb. You can, of course, but sometimes, they just don't work reliably. When MIDI is near the edge, lots of horrible things happen - you start to get stuck on notes. This is the most common one. remember each MIDI note has a "C4 has been pressed at THIS time, and with THIS velocity, then the next message says "C4 has been released at THIS time". If a note on message gets lost or garbled, the note does not play. If the note off message gets lost, it carries on sounding. A trombone sound that won't stop can be very annoying!
Typing midi cable into - brings back loads and the cheap ones are fine - the only critical thing is length. Do not go over 5m as a good rule of thumb. You can, of course, but sometimes, they just don't work reliably. When MIDI is near the edge, lots of horrible things happen - you start to get stuck on notes. This is the most common one. remember each MIDI note has a "C4 has been pressed at THIS time, and with THIS velocity, then the next message says "C4 has been released at THIS time". If a note on message gets lost or garbled, the note does not play. If the note off message gets lost, it carries on sounding. A trombone sound that won't stop can be very annoying!
Ha! Ha! Many DAWs have a "MIDI Panic" button for I assume just such an eventuality?

Yes indeedy - there is a MIDI reset command, and it sends a SHUT UP!!

One snag with MIDI is that it is a relatively slow protocol - channel 10 gets priority - as it's drums, drums on channel 10 get processed first, but having a wizzy computer cannot solve the serial protocol issue - that's why when I ran loads of synths and samplers, I used the MIDIman interfaces - which provide 8 separate streams of MIDI. If you daiychain, using the thru connector, a few synths or pianos, even if you have made sure the piano is only on MIDI ch 1, with drums on 10 and then a synth on 2 etc - if somebody starts using continuous controllers - like pitch bend, mod and aftertouch, all these can clog up the data stream, and you enter a realm of pain.
After careful consideration, I have chosen the mixer primarily because of its ability to record independently. In case of malfunctions, I will return it. By the way, the cables we talked about have a lengthy delivery time, so I've ordered an Adam Hall Cables 3 STAR IPP 0060 SET, three cables for 9 Euro. I will keep you updated !
I have received the mixer (Weymic A80) and am currently evaluating it. As far as I can tell, the audio section is functioning properly. Recording is the issue, as expected. I don't want to defame the device; maybe I'm operating it incorrectly: after connecting the USB stick and pressing the REC key to enter recording mode, nothing transpired (the REC icon is supposed to light up). I have experimented with both the FAT32 file system and NTFS. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !

REC page.webp
NTFS or exFAT formats probably should work, but also check that the size of the USB drive is compatible. Maybe it's too big, or too small?
Some devices require a USB drive (or SD card) to be formatted to a specific protocol before it can be used but I would expect that to be prominently displayed in the manual.

Most of the devices I've used that use a USB stick need FAT32. A couple have size limits (e.g. 32 GB max for recording on my UI24R).
I have received the mixer (Weymic A80) and am currently evaluating it. As far as I can tell, the audio section is functioning properly. Recording is the issue, as expected. I don't want to defame the device; maybe I'm operating it incorrectly: after connecting the USB stick and pressing the REC key to enter recording mode, nothing transpired (the REC icon is supposed to light up). I have experimented with both the FAT32 file system and NTFS. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !
I read all the instructions and they make sense.
I can't make out the symbols on the record button, but you do seem to have record and play/pause buttons.
The same as most recorders, hit the record button to enable recording, then hit the play/pause button to do the actual recording.
When done, hit play/pause, then hit the record button again to get out of recording mode.
Then you can 'rewind' with the right and left buttons, and play your recording by hitting play/pause.
I am thankful to all of you for your attention !
  • According to the user's guide, the USB port is compatible with the 1.1 standard.
  • The size limit and file system are not mentioned by the user's guide, but I unsuccessfully attempted to play/record with two USB sticks Kingston Data Traveler 8 Gb, formatted as FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT. Twelve tries, on the whole.
  • The user's guide specifically focuses on the procedure recommended by Raymond. I'm not sure if I'm doing something incorrect, but there's one point that seems to be clear: after pressing the REC button the device should enter recording mode, indicating by lighting up the REC LED and zeroing the counter. It doesn't happen.
  • Furthermore, the display mentioned in the user's guide as 'MP3 player/recorder/USB sound card display' is stuck in 'NO-' mode. It seems that inserting the USB stick goes completely unnoticed.
Check the manual for a "factory reset" normally achieved by holding one or more buttons down whilst powering up.

Of course I realize you said "inexpensive" but I love the Zoom LiveTrak products. I've owned the L12, L20 and just recently bought the L20R rack mounted version. I use it on my synth wall to catch spur of the moment ideas in multi-track that I can then use on the computer to build tracks, if I choose to work that way, or I can play them into my 16 track analog tape machine and continue to build with guitars, bass, etc. They are solid and sound great.
The user's guide specifically focuses on the procedure recommended by Raymond. I'm not sure if I'm doing something incorrect, but there's one point that seems to be clear: after pressing the REC button the device should enter recording mode, indicating by lighting up the REC LED and zeroing the counter. It doesn't happen.
Try exploring just how short that 'short press' has to be.
Hi !
=== 1 ===
I have asked about the USB issue on the seller's website. There are customers who report the same failure, while others report that plugging the stick in is sufficient to enter USB play/rec mode. It is evident that my item is defective and I have made the decision to return it. Requesting a replacement with another close product doesn't seem prudent at this point because, despite the differences in brand and details, they probably share all the same electronic parts and design, for better or for worse, and behave similarly..
=== 2 ===
Zoom LiveTrak is great, but even the L-6 model is beyond my budget.
=== 3 ===
I got a Sony ICD-PX820 recorder on loan for a couple of days from a friend of mine who uses it to record lessons. It is equipped with an USB port and I have grabbed a demo song from YamaHa V50 workstation. I have attached the related MP3 file.

=== 4 ===
I will go back through this entire thread and reevaluate the subject matter.
Have a good day!