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The V50's user's guide raises an alarm (box entitled "Equipment that can be connected to the V50 output", page 10):
"... be sure to use the line input. Connecting the output of V50 to the mics input could damage the equipment. ... Mixers (e.g. the MV802 or DMP7) be sure to use the line input."
I see two sources of trouble:
(1) The V50 output port could be killed if the connected device accidentally activates the phantom voltage.
(2) The high signal level coming from V50 could cause damage to the device's preamplifier.
=== Question A ===
How could I prevent the disaster on a BEHRINGER UMC204HD interface or a Weymic A80 Mixer ?
=== Question B ===
The latter has four inputs labelled "MIC/LINE" shaped exactly like (as far as I can see) the former's two inputs.
Does it mean that I must use monophonic 6.35 mm jack cables for all connections ?
"... be sure to use the line input. Connecting the output of V50 to the mics input could damage the equipment. ... Mixers (e.g. the MV802 or DMP7) be sure to use the line input."
I see two sources of trouble:
(1) The V50 output port could be killed if the connected device accidentally activates the phantom voltage.
(2) The high signal level coming from V50 could cause damage to the device's preamplifier.
=== Question A ===
How could I prevent the disaster on a BEHRINGER UMC204HD interface or a Weymic A80 Mixer ?
=== Question B ===
The latter has four inputs labelled "MIC/LINE" shaped exactly like (as far as I can see) the former's two inputs.
Does it mean that I must use monophonic 6.35 mm jack cables for all connections ?