An Idea

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Did I think it's the idea of the year? No. Is it a Newbie forum full of people trying to learn? Yes. Should knowledgeable members hanging around it be there to, I don't know, help? Absolutely! So Yes... I got a problem with your statement if you're implying I'm stupid for trying to help someone in way that may have worked for them.

Me thinks the boy doth protesteth too mucheth. :)
Toeing the line on calling someone stupid, and asking if they have a problem with it, generally garners an adverse reaction.
Toeing the line on calling someone stupid, and asking if they have a problem with it, generally garners an adverse reaction.
An "adverse reaction" is an allergy. Allergy's occur when you're repeatedly exposed to something. You've obviously developed an allergy to being called stupid. :D
It's my day off, man. I can do this all day.

This is how it works:

You post. I respond. :)
What does everyone think ?

I'm a little late (damn, I hate when I miss the good threads :D )....but how about this idea:

Write a song, think about the production, then go and record it.

WTF do you want to just do "recording exercises" for...unless you really have nothing better to do. Work on real music with real intent rather than just "noodling" around.
This is how it works:

You post. I respond.
Ok. Respond to this.

I always knew you were a Douche. So I went looking for proof. Found it

A greasy haired, shirtless douche. Who puts a fucking shirtless pic of themselves on their website? Rami does. Fuckin' Lame.

Oh... And I listened to your some of your songs too. Nice production! Songs are shit though. Enjoy your day off.
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Well, the ideal as it were isn't realistic in my country in this time period. And I guess stupid if you expect it to just happen. But in a different culture / time frame perhaps possible. But I'm not sure what 3rd world country or culture that struggles for basic food and stuff would have interest in the recording arts. Much less power to make the gear whiz and whirl. But generally unless it's "fun", people in my country / region wouldn't even think about doing it, unless it paid bills, had a future, and other what's in it for me aspects. Most of us home recordists probably don't have expectations beyond just furthering our own understanding and capabilities. If only to have the possibility to use said abilities for money at a much later date, or once in a rare while.

Organizations like exist, so I guess there's some need somewhere for such things somewhere. But mentoring in my country is called private lessons for learning an instrument and is a pay by the hour to the mentor scenario. Beyond that it's an internship where you do work for no pay or minimal (required by law) pay. Which is kind of stupid, given that you could just work at McDonalds to make a living. Possibly a better living dollar for dollar and hour for hour.
Ok. Respond to this.

I always knew you were a Douche. So I went looking for proof. Found it

A greasy haired, shirtless douche. Who puts a fucking shirtless pic of themselves on their website? Rami does. Fuckin' Lame.

Oh... And I listened to your some of your songs too. Nice production! Songs are shit though. Enjoy your day off.

ROFL!!!! This is really getting to you, isn't it?

:D :D :D :D :D

By the way, your link doesn't work. But, yes there is a picture of me on my website with no shirt on, along with all the other pics of me with a shirt on.......Oh, the horror. A musician not wearing a shirt. It must be a first. :D :D :D :D :D

Here's the page you were trying to link to: :) to try again....that didn't have the desired effect, now did it? :D
Ok. Respond to this.

I always knew you were a Douche. So I went looking for proof. Found it

A greasy haired, shirtless douche. Who puts a fucking shirtless pic of themselves on their website? Rami does. Fuckin' Lame.

Oh... And I listened to your some of your songs too. Nice production! Songs are shit though. Enjoy your day off.


Dude...your link is pooched....c'mon...I want to see the picture of the "shirtless douche"!!!

Wait...I'm going for some refreshments...this thread is about to get interesting. I think there's a car chase scene coming up, followed by a crash, some explosions and gunfire. :D

...are we having fun yet......????

That allergy's really showing itself, isn't it. :D

Dude...your link is pooched....c'mon...I want to see the picture of the "shirtless douche"!!!

Wait...I'm going for some refreshments...this thread is about to get interesting. I think there's a car chase scene coming up, followed by a crash, some explosions and gunfire. :D

WOW I can't wait, can we fast forward to the car chase scene? Give me that remote!!
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