An experiment


New member
I decided to try a little experiment with this one to see if my recording/ mixing skills were up to the task. Let me know what your thoughts are, and I will spill the beans as to what I did differently with this track once I get a few responses.


  • Hiding from the truth.mp3
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In general I thought this was good.

I thought the vocal was a little up front. Sounds much closer than the backing tracks. Vocal is a also just a wee bit harsh. Sounded like it was slightly over-hyped in the high end. Nice singing voice.

Bass had a little boominess in it. Like somewhere around 100-120hz or so.

Drums were a little far back in the mix. Personal taste thing. For this type of music, it might be just fine.

Mostly nitpicky stuff.
No takers huh? Ok fine. So this track was my "sm57 challenge," which is just what it sounds like. I recorded acoustic guitars, electric guitars, vox, and snare each with a single sm57 in mono. The bass and piano are software instruments. I really liked the way it provided a focused warm sound on guitars. My room isn't the greatest either, so the sm57 helps with that. I probably wouldn't do vox with it again though.

In general, I would recommend trying it. I found myself thinking about mic placement, and eq and compression decisions a lot more than normal this way.

EDIT: Posts crossed in mid air. Definitely agreed on vocals. I think that is the weak point of this mix. I might got back and see what I can do. I might be able to EQ a little harshness out of the vocal, but I don't want it to lose definition.

Mixing a standup bass kills me. Even a sampled on like this. I try to add some sustain with compression, but then I always get some boominess. I guess I have to be more careful with the attack time. Maybe I'll shorten it up a little to try to catch a hair more of the transient.