An acoustic hymn


New member
My wife wants to put together a CD of hymns to give her parents for their anniversary. Great! I say, but do you realize how long that will take? No of course not. So here is the first one, it is an old hymn "Poor Sinner Dejected with Fear," I know it sounds pretty negative, but it is actually a comforting hymn.

I know that we need to retrack a few phrases, but my wife is out of town so that will have to wait. I'd appreciate feed back on the overall sound and mix, as I have no idea what I'm doing.

this is a little raw... eeeh... nice song though

nice try on the harp :)
when you both are singing you might want to try to have one voice in the middle and another voice and guitar to the sides. i'll listen more and let others comment.

fed, thanks for the honest feedback, I took another listen to the mp3 ... yeeeck, this is why you should always wait till the next day and listen to the mix again. We really need to spend more time on the tracking.

I'm going to take my mulligan on this one.


man if this is raw sounding im in deep trouble!:D but come to think of it, i don't really know what raw means in the sonic realm.

this is a really nice song. what a great thing it must be to have a wife that sings like that(wife???) and to be able to sing together, now that's quality time!! great guitar playing.

thank's for sharing!


Pretty clean sounding. There are a few performance issues and it sounds like you guys might want to back off the mic a little. A touch of reverb on the vocals would help. It will probably be pretty cool once you fix the mistakes and polish it up a little.
rick - thanks for the compliment. It's definately clean, I'm just not real happy with all the flat notes :). You don't seem to notice those till the next day. And it is cool to get your wife interested in your hobby.

Tex - I tried to put equal reverb on everything to give it a live, small hall feel. I think I read that somewhere here. I don't think it worked, my voice reacted much diferently than my wife's voice to the verb.

The real thing I was wondering is if the vocals sound squashed with too much compression?

Thanks for the listens.