Amp sim in Sonar


New member
Does anybody use this on their recordings? If so, do you have favorite settings or do you use the presets?

I've completely dismissed the amp sim in the past, mostly due to impatience in dialing in a satisfactory sound. More recently, I found an acceptable clean sound for my Strat, and the other night I was toying with bass tracks to see if I could find anything I liked.

I realize a certain percentage of others here might recommend other amp sim plugs. That's fine, but I'm more interested if you've ever had satisfactory success with Cake's Amp Sim in Sonar, what instruments you may have used, and if you have some presets you enjoy using.

I am using the guitar rig for the guitar parts.

It is fine for the clean guitar i guess, but for the distortion one it sucks, and i don't think it is because of the pickups, i like them.

Any set ups for distorted guitar?:confused:
I like to use it on the bass lines that I've created in the piano roll. Gives it a better flavor than without it. For the guitar, I try to capture the tone before I go into the computer.