Amp Advice Wanted


New member
I presently own a Marshall JCM 800 50w 2x12 combo which I purchased in early eighties. I don't play in bands anymore - only play in my music room/studio in my basement (primarily recording). The Marshall is no longer being used since I can't exactly open it up to get a decent sound anymore (wife, kids, neighbours). I'm also thinking more about versatility. What I need is something smaller (perhaps 30w 1x12) which is more practical for home studio use, but which would still cut it in a club setting. As I use a POD currently, I want the real deal for an amp (i.e. it has to be tube-driven). Also, $400-500 US is about my limit. My plan is to trade/sell the Marshall to finance my purchase. I love the Marshall, but it's simply not meeting my present needs.

The guitar guy from one of the local shops recommended the Peavey Classic 30 ($650 CDN - $1.00 US = approx $1.50 CDN).

Anyone have any opinions/recommendations?

Also, how much (ballpark) should my very good condition Marshall fetch?
You could try building an isolation box and putting the amp inside it, you can get the tone without the noise.
By looking around, you can usually find some of the smaller Fender tube amps for $350-500. I have a Deluxe Reverb II that I snagged for $325. Great amp!

I think Randall makes some low watt tube amps that may be more along the lines of your marshall. Since I don't think I've ever read a review, what do the rest of you think of Randall?
psmith66 said:
The guitar guy from one of the local shops recommended the Peavey Classic 30

I don't know anything about amps, but I used one of these for about two months and was really impressed-rich, warm, and plenty loud. The only downside that I noticed was only one input/channel. Not a bfd, though.
Before you go and spend more money, did you try using your pod like a distortion box? You can plug your guitar into the POD and then plug the pod into the marshall. Set your marshall to be as clean as possible, You should be able to get a decent sound at any volume.

If this isnt the direction you want to go in, the Peavey is an excellent amp. It doesnt have a ton of gain but it is has a great tone!!

Give the POD a whirl though I think it will save you money and you wont have to sell the marshall!!
I hope this helps
Been there, done that. Not an option for my purpose.

Thanks though - it is something I fool with - just don't like the POD as an "effects box".
Hey I'm in the same boat (got Pod, but want a small, verstatile tube amp). I too am looking at the Peavey Classic 30. They have them in the local store for around $400, but I've seen mint condition ones go for around $280 or or so on ebay. Another interesting thing, it has an fx loop which you could conceivably plug the Pod's output into the return jack , bypassing the amp's preamp circuit (I think) and making the Pod the preamp straight to the tube power amp section. Could add tons of extra versatility in addition to just using the amp by itself.
Hmm...well, I figured the fx loop circuit on most amps was directly after the preamp circuit , so if your guitar is plugged into the return jack, your guitar signal isn't going thru the preamp tubes, eq, circuit etc. I'm just guessing.
One quick way to find out is turn the volume up or down on the amp, this goes directly to the preamp stage and if it is bypassed it should have no effect?
> One quick way to find out is turn the volume up or down on the amp, this goes directly to the preamp stage and if it s bypassed it should have no effect?

Right, the Pod would then control the volume. I would try this out, but don't own a amp with a fx loop lol.
I personally try to stay away from all things Peavey. I've heard that they're actually making some decent stuff now, but I've never been happy with any Peavey amp I've owned.

Believe it or not, I'm getting great low volume sound from a Hughs and Kettner Vortex half stack. It takes a while to dial in a decent clean sound, as the amp is really kind of a piece of shit that I normally would not recommend, but with a half way decent EQ you can tweak some cool tones.

You're not going to get that classic "Marshall Tone" without cranking your Marshall though.

I do also have a Line 6 distortion modeler that I've come to adore. Maybe if you got yourself one of those, you could dial the sound you're looking for without the threat of eviction!!!
Dragonworks - Could it depend on where your master volume is in the circuit? Was just thinking, maybe if the master volume circuit is the last thing before the power amp, then the volume knob would still turn the volume up or down with the pod plugged in the return jack. But if it's before the fx loop (or if we're talking about the preamp volume knob for that matter) then it seems it wouldn't effect the volume. Tell me if I'm totally way off about all this.
If you plugged your POD into the return of an effects loop you will bypass the preamp section and your amp will be running wide open. By wide open, I mean if your amp is rated at 100 watts, all 100 watts of power will be running!! Your POD would now controll the volume.
Most people do this technique with two amp heads. They take the direct out of one amp and put it to the effects return of another amp. Its called slaving. The reuturn of the effects loop does in fact bypass the preamp section.

also what I recommended before(using the POD as a distortion box) does get some cool sounds. When I say use it like a distortion box, I mean dont use the effects loop of an amp. I mean plug the pod straight into the i/p of the amp. You can use the amps eq section to further enhance you sound. I hope this helps!!
Thanks for the info Gainfreak...I thought that was how it worked, but never actually tried it. Pod as a distortion box will be cool to try too. Alot of options, right into the regular input, thru the fx return if you like, very cool. That little direct/amp switch on the Pod is the trick , I think, to using it effectively with an amp. Can' wait to get an amp start experimenting. :)
Your very Welcome!! I have tried just about everything in my quest for tone !! LOL

I used to use two amps hooked up that way a long time ago(direct out of one amp into the effects return of another)

I am now using all Mesa Gear now but I have experimented with the POD!

Have fun experimenting!!
I tried out the Classic 30 yesterday (albeit, not opened up). Also, tried the Fender Blues JR (or whatever). I prefer the Classic. If in fact the POD can be placed in the loop and bypass the preamp, bonus. Once I sell my Marshall (anyone interested?), I'm going to take those two amps (plus perhaps a couple of others, go to the shop's back room, and truly open them up (clean and dirty). I'm confident about the Classic, especially for the price.